We got that all out of the way in super uncomfortably unfunny fashion. Now, can we please get back to the jokes?


I thought it was funny as hell. Esp. the boardroom meeting about Trump vs. Hillary, because I have friends who went through just THAT same thing.

As for Junior -- the actor who plays him is getting better and better to me. His comic timing is better.

I'm glad ABC is sticking with Blackish.


The only reason this show is on the air is so ABC doesn't get accused of racism. Its the same reason Fresh Off The Boat and that horrible, HORRIBLY unfunny Dr. Ken or whatever is on the air, with that awful small penis Asian guy from The Hangover.

This show has been the same recycled joke from the beginning: "white people do this and are lame, black people do this and its awesome" despite the fact that - you know - white heterosexual people are the vast majority of this country and keep it operational.


^^ Oh shut up!


Why do you bother watching/commenting on stuff you obviously don't like? Is your life that empty that you have nothing else to do but to bash TV shows/films you don't enjoy on IMDB? How embarrassing to pull the race nonsense!


As for Junior -- the actor who plays him is getting better and better to me. His comic timing is better


I did laugh when Jr. was decked out in black and angry when he found out "the truth" behind MLK's speech. Good visual comedy and his timing was solid.

The rest of the episode... ugh. I just didn't find a lot of it very funny. I found it very forced.

Then again, I'm a libertarian so I really don't have a horse in the race and don't say "zing!" and get all excited whenever the one side I don't care about gets ripped on by the other side I don't care about.


Wow. You thought that ep was funny as hell? It had moments here and there. But mostly it was a bunch of speeches. It also wanted to make that one woman feel as uncomfortable as can be.


I thought 'Lemons' was very powerful, poignant and unforgettable, but to call this episode a 'comedy' is a stretch. I only laughed when Lucy made her announcement and Wanda Sykes lunged out of the chair to tackle her. In contrast, "Whose afraid of the big black man?" - with the 'little snowflake' on the elevator - and season one's "Crime and Punishment" - should we beat Jack? -were both hilarious treatments of serious topics. I loved Dre's Scrubs-esque fantasies about being cornered by Chris Hansen's tv crew in the elevator, or his funeral, with his oblivious skeevy friends hitting on a wailing newly widowed Bo.
