Our Favorite Part...

The shocked expressions and all the whining that followed when Trump won the election. Seeing their pain just made us feel good. Now they know how We felt the past 8 years.


Why do you even watch this show? Based on your comments, it appears that you don't like the show, don't like the characters, don't like actors, etc.
I just don't get WHY someone would watch a show they DON'T like? And even more so, WHY come on IMDB and post all these negative things?? I'm just curious as to WHY someone bothers doing this.


I don't understand that either, DLH571. Sometimes it seems like there are way more Conservative commenters on the pages of, say, MSNBC's programs than their Liberal counterparts. I have literally never posted a single word on the page of any Fox news show. It makes no sense! That's like checking the tv listings and saying,"Hmm.....Big Bang Theory is on, and I love that Sheldon. But I think I'll watch Kevin can Wait instead, because I saw it once and didn't care for it at all."


cherylelliotcrna; Reference our previous report. You Lunatic Leftist believe that a forum should just knee-jerk in lemming like obedience to you viewpoints. Well it is just not so, get use to it!


You're an angry little bugger, aren't ya?? ???
Get help. Seriously, I feel sorry for you.



DLH571; Liking or not liking is NOT justification for watching a show. I watch 60 Minutes every week and 90% is LIBERAT nonsense. As to why post negative viewpoints? So you sycophantic followers know that the falsehoods portrayed on such tripe do not go unnoticed. Or do you expect every thinking person to just genuflect to the failures of the lunatic left.


Wow dude, get help. You're seriously disturbed.
Maybe your life wouldn't be so sh*tty if you pulled your head out of your ass?
