53% Voted for Trump??

Is that even true? If so that just furthers my belief that women hate women, for whatever reason lol.



I don't care who you voted for unless congress loses their mind it doesn't really matter who the president is.


Not true since Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary (she had over 50%) by the largest margin of any losing candidate.


It was 53% of white women who voted, yes. It wasn't 53% of all American women everywhere.


Yes. Exactly. The other person clearly wasn't paying attention.


That can all be accounted for by her margin in California. Trump won more states. That's how it works.


Not true since Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary (she had over 50%) by the largest margin of any losing candidate.

She did not have over 50%. She had 48%. Trump had 46%. The rest was shared by the third-party candidates.


DonnaHurtlocker; Hillary lost by 10%. Felons, Illegal Aliens and the Dead are NOT franchised to VOTE! If Sanctuary Cities ignore the Laws on Immigration, why would they not ignore Voting Laws, they would as long as they get their way. As for the whining on Black-ish, tough luck you are NOT the center of the Universe.


I find it funny when people yap about the "popular vote"... the production area where I work is populated by people with borrowed SSN... Guess what they voted? Which is funny cause that just makes me easy target for low wages with no benefits...


I love how Liberals "whine" whereas Conservatives are merely "fueled by righteous indignation."


cherylelliotcrna; Liberats do not just whine, but are HYPOCRITES. Perfect example they were ALL going to leave the Country if TRUMP won. Which Countries did they pick, AUSTRALIA, CANADA and NEW ZEALAND. NOT Mexico or those other 'Brown' countries, nor in Africa or the Muslim World or India. Why NOT, hypocrite! Just like Charlie Chaplin when he lost his privileges for being in this Country. Did He go to Stalin's Soviet Russia, Mao's China, Tito's Yugoslavia, North Korea... WHY NO, He took his Million$ to a Chateau in SWITZERLAND! No doubt to be next to his X-Wife Paulette Goddard. Now common on explain their choices. WHY NOT MEXICO or one those other 'Brown' Countries, common on, just want to hear your clever response and justifications. We always thought that being a HYPOCRITE was the AEGIS of the LIBERAT.


No. It wasn't that much unless you count all of illegals in my state of California. She (killary) lost because she didn't have a message. America didn't want a white woman oBUMa. The woman was full of hate, anger, lies, paid off thugs, pay to play, no wisconsin, unhealthy. I can go on and on.
What a stupid move to have Mike Browns THUG mother on stage at her pathetic DNC. Killary would mean MORE dead police officers from BLM. Heck, oBUMa can't even control his home city of Chicago. She would do worse. Russia, Lets PAY IRAN to build nukes?! Benghazi! Donna Brazile, Don Lemmon, ALL of CNN and the MSM, Haiti, her impeached viagra husband, BENGHAZI, Podesta, Weiner, NO MESSAGE. Stole silverware from OUR White House to build her millions with the crooked foundation. Look at obama with his December/Jan executive orders. She is the SAME. Did I mention Benghazi?! Personal email server blamed on Colin Powell. Shall I go on? BENGHAZI. Rosie O'Donnell, Hollywood. Blood on her hands. BENGHAZI. Anti Law Enforcement.

This show is terrible anyhow. Modern family is much better.


So we learned that hasbanyp is under 12 years old today.
