MovieChat Forums > Black·ish (2014) Discussion > That episode was not Anti-Trump

That episode was not Anti-Trump

If you made it to the end, it was about having conversations and reaching across the aisle. If you guys turned it off early, then you missed it. Please give the WHOLE episode a chance. Bow ended up being the biggest bigot, and Dre actually made complete sense for awhile.

I would say that this election shook up our country, but I know that Obama winning 8 years ago shook up just as many people, and the media didn't cover it the same way at all.

If anyone is interested in reaching across the aisle and working toward a better America, this episode was a great way to show how hard that is, and how important it is.


I agree it was more balanced than I thought. But it was also painfully apparent that the writers were in the liberal tank. I think they honestly wanted to reach out but even in reaching out they betray how partisan they are. Their only Trump voter gave a so-so explanation. Maybe if they had more of the main characters be split, we could've seen an actual conversation. Instead, it seemed like a lot of lefties trying to figure out where they went wrong.


Don't bother. Anyone who doesn't praise Lord Trump get these people foaming at the mouth.


It wasn't supposed to be anti-Trump?


It was a VERY good episode and extremely well written and performed by all the actors.
The only glaring omission was those who voted for a 3rd party candidate because we felt BOTH "choices" were HORRIBLE.
The speech at the end given by Dre was a message of hope and unity. If anyone saw it any other way, they are ignorant plain and simple.
This show is a "sitcom" no different than All In The Family was. It makes us laugh, but also makes us think. In the 70's a show like this would be praised from the rooftops for being "cutting edge" or "ground breaking", now it gets accused of being "propaganda" by the close minded "Archie Bunker's" of the world who now have platform to spew their racist opinions on the internet. I guess years ago, all they could do was write nasty letters to the networks and none of us had to be privy to their hatred and bigotry.
There is a VERY simple solution that a lot of people seem to fail to realise.... You don't have to watch it if you don't like it! This isn't the 70's when we only had 3 shows to choose from in in the evening. There's literally hundreds of other programs you can watch instead. I suggest people who don't like this show, do that. The rest of us will continue to watch and enjoy the show. We will also move on with our lives and try to just be "good people" no matter who is president.


The only glaring omission was those who voted for a 3rd party candidate because we felt BOTH "choices" were HORRIBLE.

Wow, very true! I did not even think about that and I'm one of the people who hated both candidates.

The speech at the end given by Dre was a message of hope and unity. If anyone saw it any other way, they are ignorant plain and simple.

Completely agree !

We will also move on with our lives and try to just be "good people" no matter who is president.



I felt it was more anti trump voters than anti trump. The girl in the office had some legitimate points that they completely undermined by having her throw the "I have black friends" comment out.

Uva Uvam Vivendo Varia Fit


That's true. Lucy (the lone Trump-voter) was not presented as a monster, idiot or hate-mongering conspiracy theorist. Indeed, Dre makes virually that exact point in the last office scene. Although I'll never understand why she'd think that vulgar, spoiled pasha in his gilded seraglio cares whether her father has a job or not.

(I loved how Daphne/Wanda had to be physically restrained! lol)
