MovieChat Forums > Black·ish (2014) Discussion > Why watch if you don't like it?

Why watch if you don't like it?

I don't understand. Why do people watch this show if they don't like it? Why do they watch it and come on here and complain so bitterly about it? So many of the threads here are started by people who complain about liberals and white hate.

You know what I do when I don't like something on TV or know that I won't agree with it or it will get me worked up and angry? I don't watch it.

That, my friends, is why I'm sure to turn off the TV whenever Trump appears on the screen and opens his mouth to speak.


How sensible of you.

But I think people who watch television programs and complain about them just want to complain.




Exactly. I like to rant as much as the next guy but why would I want to spend 20 minutes a week and torture myself by watching someone or something I despise?




I have that same thought every single week after I finish an episode and come on here to see if just maybe this will be the week that people chat about how hilarious this show is...The same people who complain over and over again are DEFINITELY only watching so that they have something to rant about...If you dislike black folks WTH would you watch a show called Black-ish every week?! Someone actually concluded a post with "we should have just picked our own cotton"... smh. I guess it's just a bunch of racists trolling because apparently they have nothing better to do than attempt to sh*t-stir...It's sad really and extremely pathetic. This week's episode has got them crawling out of the woodwork like never before...At first, I thought maybe it was a lack of basic listening comprehension skills because they seemed to have missed the entire point of the episode...But nope, just garden variety racist trolling...


I like the show until Dre starts preaching about the country has let him down and he acts like blacks are the only race who is treated unfairly.

This weeks episode was just really annoying because of Dre's uncalled for speech. Woman are treated unfairly, but they weren't the ones preaching in the office. What's so wrong with Dre's life for him to act that way?

Lifes a gift and I dont intend on wasting it!


Woman are treated unfairly, but they weren't the ones preaching in the office.

They do comment on that with the mysoginist boss and the white woman (can't remember her name)

What's so wrong with Dre's life for him to act that way?

He's standing up for his black brothers and sisters. How great is that?


I watch it because 1 out of 3 episodes are hilarious. The bad ones and the racist against whites episodes are too frequent unfortunately.

Uva Uvam Vivendo Varia Fit


Same reason people live in America and keep whining about how racist it is, but then don't just move to Africa/China/India/etc.


OK - all of the other replies make sense. This one, however, is silly. Not exactly a good comparison, wouldn't you say?!?

Sure, watching a tv show that seems to really annoy you is certainly on par with moving to another country/continent.

I do know that this goes on on many other boards. I don't spend a lot of time here (thankfully) but every show I watch seems to have its fans and its distractors - which makes sense. I guess my point is that I personally, don't want to invest time in to something that I don't enjoy. That's it. No hidden agenda.

I think the best answer of all is that people, as a rule, really do like to complain. And I think many people like to argue.


You should take a look at most of the message boards around here. This isn't exactly unique to this show. I think many ppl come here to comment on how they could improve and stuff like that. This season has been odd with several episodes already having like a documentary thrown in for whatever reason. Why do they keep on doing that? That is getting annoying and taking up valuable time.


Used to watch it since the pilot episode... Thought it was super funny and edgy cause of the coke references... Then towards the riots and the atheism episode... I was like... This is propaganda and tuned off..


You are exactly right Suze60!! I couldn't agree more!!


Thanks. Appreciate it!
