So is Bow...

an anesthesiologist, or a surgeon, or an ER MD, or what?


yes..never got the impression before last night that she is an anesthesiologist

meanwhile my first love was standing first in line Goapele


I thought they had said early on that she was an anesthesiologist but then when she would talk about her job and saving lives it was more like she was a physician or a surgeon.


and all the times she's been shown has been in a capacity that implies high-pressure life-saving, even in yesterday's episode (a few minutes after she was shown administering anesthesia).


I am a neurosurgeon, and I consider the anesthesiologists on my surgical teams to be THE MOST important part of the surgery, after the patient. They have the highest malpractice insurance premiums, and they literally have the patient's life in their hands. They have to monitor 4-6 vitals constantly, as well as the patents eyes have to be checked, as well as pallor and rigidity, controlling several machines, depending on the amount of sedation and type of surgery, plus more. This is not at all like what they showed on the episode that dealt with the Internet and sex (except that patient wasn't intubated, since he was able to speak while having surgery on his liver, which would have been a surgery a patient would have needed intubation to ensure that he didn't move).


No's just in TV Land, the ones getting the urgent intercom pages and dramatically rushing around the patient are surgeons and ER docs, so I feel the show doesn't know where it's putting her.

Even for TV, though, it was very surprising and annoying how they depicted Bow doing her job as an anesthesiologist, slouched over chilling in a chair yacking about her problems, and "Oops! I forgot to regulate!" Really?

(By the way, that's very interesting to know about what anesthesiologists do. Thank you. I've often wondered what they actually do, thinking they just administer the anesthesia.)


She does it all! Super Doctor to the rescue. You'd think with her doing all three that she'd be at work a little more often.

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


Yeah really 


I just watched that ep and I am a tad confused. I thought she was an ER MD or a surgeon. I never once thought she was an anesthesiologist. This definitely has not been consistent.
