MovieChat Forums > Black·ish (2014) Discussion > blackish knocked it out of the park in t...

blackish knocked it out of the park in their season premier

I am not going to even bother reading the other comments. That season premiere was off the chain. So great including the music, the costumes, the arcs for each person. It was phenomenal. Kudos to the writers and everyone else on this episode.


I loved this episode also it was great! Good television!


This episode was nothing more than a long Disney commercial. It had not real plot whatsoever.

Shawn: I solve a case every week and usually one around Christmas


Yeah, the season premiere was enjoyable, but lets be real. It was nothing more than a 30 minute Disney World promo.


With a dash of Microsoft branded content.


The Microsoft joke was so bad that it wasn't even remotely funny.


Exactly. This was a commercial pure and simple. They highlighted the rides, parade, fireworks, gift shop, silly hats, etc etc.


Sounds a bit shillish. This episode was pure garbage. And I love the show

To me you are the teacher in a Charlie Brown cartoon


I love this show!


I really enjoyed it.


I am not going to even bother reading the other comments.

My feelings have been hurt! Gotta get to my safe space!
So great including the music, the costumes, the arcs for each person. It was phenomenal. Kudos to the writers and everyone else on this episode.

You're basically saying you loved a 20min advertisement about Disney World. Wow.


Dear Philip, I am sorry you are so torn up about this blackish season premiere. You don't have to watch it, it is not a requirement. You can just go to something else that more suits your personality.

I don't love every blackish episode or every episode of any show and when the writers do a good job, I want them to know that so they can continue to do a good job.

I could break it down for you point by point on why this was a good episode and I'm sorry it happened to Disney World which seems to be one of your big bones of contention but It showed all the characters in their best and worst lights, it had great costuming and music and a lot of content in a short episode.

I think it's time to move on, Phillip. There are lots and lots of very bad television shows that you can critique and probably get a lot of agreement about. I think your disappointment with this season premiere has been documented very well and it's time to go to another show, maybe even another channel or another forum where you can meet up with other people that are as unhappy as you are.


I thought it had lots of great moments. Particularly with earl and ruby.


I am going to guess that you either work for the show or the network if you liked that ep. Great costuming and music? What? Oh brother. That gave me a good laugh.


Why are you so bitter, what's in it for you? Do you work for ABC?

I love watching Blackish so seeing the new season's episode was an obvious thing to happen. Just unfortunate it was another Disney World 20min advertisement.


You either work for ABC or Disney.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


I didn't like it. I can't stand the Disney episodes that shows do, and this was no different, I still love the show but the episode just wasn't my thing.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story"


It was a Disney commercial.
