Good Times

How could they do a Good Times send up without saying "Dy-no-mite" ? Unless I missed it? At least they gave us a "Damn damn damn" from Florida!


They did not say it.

Junior was killing it, (again, like he always does)


I don't let anyone hot-comb out my HAIRitage!


Makes 100% sense for Black-ish to have a Good Times dream sequence. Both shows have A-hole dads who 100% *deserve* to be killed off.

I enjoyed GT the most when James was dead and Florida lived in Arizona. The kids were grown and could take care of themselves and Willona was all the older guidance they need.

Black-ish seems like SUCH a disjointed show with disinterested people living under one roof, than a family. Much like the set, their personalities are sterile and uninteresting.


LOL. I agree I am not feeling Dre as the dad. He's always black people this and black people that when he's generalizing black people which is the same "racists" do. Not all black people are like whatever Dre thinks black people are. Less of that and more of just the kids being different than him is all i need.


No no. I really liked James. I was sad when they killed him off.



IMO, I liked James character and thought he brought much interest (for lack of a better term) to the show.

I grew up watching GT and still enjoy the reruns. It was ok without him, but the episodes with him were much more enjoyable IMO.

peace ;-)


So a black man working multiple jobs and being a father to his kids was an A-hole? Interesting. Hell James was killed while trying to get his family out of the ghetto by getting a better job.


I thought it was hilarious


Well said


The last thing "J.J." said after the lights in the Evans apartment went out and as Dre's dream was ending was "Dyno-mite"

Thelma : Did you forget to pay the power bill?

James : Forgetting is for rich folks, we're just broke.

Florida : Tomorrow is gonna be a better day.

J.J. : Dyno-mite!

cue Good Times theme music and end of dream.

I don't know what they have to say. It makes no difference anyway. Whatever it is, I'm against it.



Agree 100%. It just didn't work at all. Not even close. Jokes didn't work. Nothing worked. It seemed like a way for the actors to play dress up and that's it. Missed opportunity. And I am already dreading a baby being introduced on this show.


Awww, I rather liked it, jokes were a bit naff and obvious (expected OJ joke for example) but I enjoyed the trip down memory lane.

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


I did not like it either. It was a hommage but it was flat. Norman Lear did give his approval for this episode and was on set when it was filmed.



I can relate to your comment. Florida's dam dam dam was a very emotional scene IMO, and though Blackish likely did not have any ill will (unkind thought) thought) behind it, I just did not find it all that "deep" when Dre's mom said it. Just my 2 cents



Recently saw this ep again in reruns. Pretty much a big fail. The kids were just dreadful - the eldest daughter clearly had never even bothered to watch Willona, and Junior missed JJ by a mile. It was like they were too scared to actually go for it, or maybe just don't have the skills yet, in which case it was the director's fault.



The kids are young and might not know anything at all about Good Times. However, as actresses and actors, one would think a little research would have helped.

The older actors Dre's and Rainbow's characters, and of course Dre's parents are well aware of the Good Time series.

This is not the case with the younger cast members ( a guess on my part).

I agree in that this might have fallen on the director.


This episode will go down as an absolute CLASSIC!! Best episode of the entire series to me. I laughed and laughed and laughed and then kept on laughing even when it was over. This was a fantastic send up to the classic sitcom Good Times. Just awesome. All who wrote and acted in this episode should be commended as this is A+ work right here. It was also fun to see which characters from Blackish played which characters on Goodish Times. They even had Junior dress up in those ridiculous red pajamas. Just a classic, classic episode.

This also reminded me of an old sitcom that didn't last long called "The Re-run Show." Best part of that show was when they did Diff'rent Strokes and Facts of Life. If you haven't seen that you might still be able to look it up on Youtube. Great, great stuff.
