MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Soul Gem in No Adam Warloc...

Soul Gem in No Adam Warlock in Infinity War

So what...they search for soul gem and find it hidden somewhere in Ragnarok?


Hmm I figure if HER Ayesha is in GOTG, HIM has to not be far behind right? Or she could be what replaces Warlock.


Or she could be what replaces Warlock.

That's been my thought on this. Since the characters are basically counterparts of each other, they may just skip that all together and give Ayesha Warlock's big story arcs. Which I'd probably be fine with, as long as it's done well.


Better late than never.

The villainy you teach me I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.


Adam Warlock could easily still be in Infinity War

Perhaps he doesn't show up until the start of that movie.
Maybe he's the one who comes crashing into the Santum Sanctorum instead of Silver Surfer.
Maybe he doesn't come out of the Soul Stone until Thanos grabs it.
Surely there will be a new character introduced in the Actual Infinity War film


We have seen the cocoon and they have confirmed Warlock will be in the MCU at some time. I think everyone knew the soul gem would be in this, once we saw the AoU vision and they said GOTG2 would not have one.

I think Warlock will be introduced in a credit scene.


I'm convinced Hemidal has the Soul Gem. That is how they're gonna explain his powers of sight because he can see all the souls of beings in the world. Its why his eyes are white in Age of Ultron because the stone got taken from him.

Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Then you can know pain - Pain
