MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Why loki doesnt look like a frost giant?

Why loki doesnt look like a frost giant?

Was rewatching the first thor movie and realised there never was an offical explanation as to why loki is not a towering blue frost giant. One could easy argue a spell was cast on him or something but its like being adopted was enough to rewrite is dna ;).


I always assumed it was something Odin did to him: baby Loki starts to change colour as Odin rubs his thumb over his forehead. But yeah, some clarity on the film's part would have been nice.

"Finish it... 'cause I'm with you to the end..."


It seemed like Odin worked some magic to change Loki's skin, but I'm pretty certain Laufey abandoned him because he was a runt. It's an easy way to explain his size, which is taller than an average person, but noticeably smaller than the frost giants. The cinematic frost giants were tiny compared to their comic counterparts anyway, so it's not as much of a stretch here.

✌🏻Go Team Venture!


but I'm pretty certain Laufey abandoned him because he was a runt.

I m pretty sure that is accurate. As for his appearance, didn't Frigga teach Loki how to use the power of illusion? It was probably her that originaly put the Asguardian illuion on him and he picked it up from her subconsiously durring his teaching.

Over? Over?! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Odin Asgard magic like how he can enchant Mljnoir to be lift only by those that are worthy.


Should have made Frigga Loki's biological mother. Something like had a falling out with Odin and left Asgard for the 9 realms and settled on Jodenheim. She used her shape shifting magic to become like a frost giant. This small angle would have been a nice wrinkle in Thor 2 for Hiddleston to play. He relishes this mantle of the outsider but then his mother drops a bombshell that he's actually on half an outsider.


While that idea does sound interesting, I don't think it would have turned out to well. Everyone is all over how great of a mother Frigga is, but she's also a wife. Even if she and Odin ending up disagreeing on something major and took some time away from each other, I don't see either one sleeping with someone else during that time.
The whole adoption angle works well as it is because since Loki is not related to them by blood, the bonds the family has created with each other helps emphasize how great love can be. Sure this family is a "bit" disconnected now, but it's something all families go through at some point or another. It just means that once everything is in the open and they find it in themselves to trust in one another again, then it will really show how powerful a sentiment like love and family can be.




What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


What's missing in society is Magic.


 And love!

The villainy you teach me I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.
