Skurge's Role?

How much screen time will he get? Is he the main villain? Anyone know or heard any rumors?


No one knows how much screen time he will have but he's not the main villain, that's Hela. In the comics, Skurge's most well known role was as the devoted lackey of Amora the Enchantress, but seeing as Amora is not in this movie and Karl Urban has confirmed that a lot of his scenes are with Cate Blanchett, the best guess is that Skurge will be Hela's devoted lackey instead. So he'll be a secondary villain.


Thanks for the info!! I'm not familiar with the comics at all. Much appreciated!


You're welcome, always happy to assist if you have any other Thor comics related questions. I know way more than I should probably admit to. 

It sounds like Skurge is going to have a really good arc in this film, one that's reminiscent of one of his most iconic arcs in the comics (google 'he stood alone at Gjallerbru' if you want to know more) so I'm definitely looking forward to Urban here.


He'll probably get less time than Cate Blanchett or Jeff Goldblum. He's most likely just a henchman.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


I hope he has a bigger role than that - I'm a huge fan of him and his acting.



Ah I missed your profile pic.

The villainy you teach me I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.


Probably be like Malekith's henchman.


Karl excited he is in this.


All indications I'm getting is Skurge is this movie's Algrim the Dark Elf. A loyal henchmen type, that gets limited screen time.

Russos, Cap, Bucky, Falcon Phase 3 hiatus clock-18 months, 6 days, 7 hours, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
