MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > T.H.A.N.O.S. = The Infinity Stones Ident...

T.H.A.N.O.S. = The Infinity Stones Identity?

So I'm sure everyone here has by now heard the popular fan theory that the Stone's containers or true names first initials actually spell out THANOS right?

T = Tesseract (Space Gem)

H = ??? (Soul Gem)

A = Aether (Reality Gem)

N = Necklace/Eye of Agamotto (Time Gem) Looks like Doctor Strange will be introducing this one and from the trailer we so a form of Time Reversal taking place and from the new photos released, Strange is using the Eye and its green.

O = Orb (Power Gem)

S = Scepter (Mind Gem)

So that leaves H. What could its container be? We know it'll hold possibly the Soul Gem. But which film could it appear in?

Well James Gunn has confirmed we won't see a Infinity Stone in Guardians 2. Even the Villain is HER. It won't appear. And it won't appear in Spider-Man obviously. So that really leaves Thor: Ragnarok. Since that film is meant to lead right into Infinity War the chances are high. But what could H represent?

Well, what if is HELA herself? Goddess of Death? Queen of the Underworld? Ruler of Hel? The Soul Gem which brings the dead back to life? Would fit right in wouldn't it? Better yet…maybe its her Helmet? HELMET. What if the Helmet she wears has the Stone embedded into it? 

Can't wait to see a picture of her to see whether this is the case. But I feel that a Stone will be in this film.

Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Then you can know pain - Pain


Here's an interesting factoid for you, in the comics Hela's main weapon is her sword which she calls her Nightsword. It gives her the power to command an army of the dead. What if the N actually stands for 'Nightsword' and the soul stone is somehow embedded in it? That would mean the H actually relates to the Eye of Agamotto and Doctor Strange, but I can't think of anything that it could possibly stand for... 'Necklace' has always seemed a little weak to me, the Eye of Agamotto isn't a necklace, it's an amulet.


One theory I've liked is that the soul stone is the orange gem on Heimdal's breastplate. It was pointed out that he said something like "I can see the 9 realms and 10 trillion souls."

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


 That's true. The Eye is a Amulet.

And as for Heimdal's breastplate. Now that is intriguing. The very idea that a Infinity stone has been right under our very noses. That would be something interesting. Would explain why he's the only one with this gift and power. 

Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Then you can know pain - Pain


I was reading something about that. His eyes are normally orange and when Thor had his vision after Scarlet Witch put the spell on him he saw Heimdall with white eyes instead of orange. Now if you remember when Star Lord held the power stone his eyes turned purple. So I am almost positive Heimdall has the soul stone and that would be able to explain why he sees everyone.


I like the theory but it would not make sense. Odin and the asgardians know of the gems. Lady Sif gave the collector the aether and said they wouldnt want 2 stones so close together. But do like the theory.

To Boldly Go Where Phil Coulson Has Gone Before


Maybe they might not know. I know that sounds really far fetched, but they didn't know Loki's staff had a stone in it. There's just more to it, if it's true, that we haven't gotten the information yet.



It could be a part of Heimdall himself. It is Heimdall. I like this a lot. Heimdall should be in both Infinity War movies, also Selvig should be, I'm babbling. But Heimdall can be in the post credit scene of the first, to let us know he's coming. Something tells me he's not Asgardian. Vision and Heimdall can be the ones to fight Thanos, he kills both of them.

Vision can appear in the post/mid credits of two other movies. I'd like to see it in
Black Panther and Ant-Man & The Wasp. To finish his contract.

THANOS can appear in Ragnarok briefly (in the mid credits scene) with Hela. Then in the post of Captain Marvel. Because those two deal with cosmic crap.

Or Ant-Man & The Wasp because it's the first movie after the first chapter.

Thanos options: Thor, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Marvel - pick 2
Vision options: Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Marvel - pick 2
Heimdall options: Infinity War Part I, Ant-Man, Marvel - pick 1

I apologize if I'm supposed to post that on the IW board and not Ragnarok and you just read that and you feel it's odd or pointless.



It's likely just and Easter egg.


Its an interesting theory. But Thanos was actually created before the concept of the infinity stones came together.


If you mean Thanos was created first, sure in Iron Man 55. But the cinematic universe is a blending of several sources. In the comics, the gems were not contained in artifacts. Plus they weren't deadly to touch.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.
