MovieChat Forums > Mozart in the Jungle (2014) Discussion > How Is Season 2 compared to 1?

How Is Season 2 compared to 1?

I haven't had time to binge the show. Is it better, worse or on par?



Eh... similar, I think.

I've enjoyed the show from the beginning. It's decent. Not Golden Globe Award-winning, in my opinion, but decent enough. But hey, what do I know? I'm no foreign press journalist. 😜


I'm a little more than halfway through Season 2 and here's what I've noticed so far,
Hailey, all of a sudden, seems to loathe her boyfriend and can't wait to get rid of him (totally not the case by the end of the first season). She also has a major crush on Rodrigo, which her friend Lizzie is totally aware of. (Even though Lizzie has just returned from her travels she seems aware of Hailey's crush on Rodrigo, even though there was no hint of Hailey being romantically interested in Rodrigo at the end of the first season...which leads to my next long was Lizzie gone?). Its unclear if Rodrigo refuses to let Hailey leave her job because he doesn't trust anyone else, or if he's in love with her and wants to explore a relationship (something that was not apparent in the first season). Cynthia is exploring a lesbian relationship (that was a major WTF moment for me). The only consistent character is Betty, who once again is screwed when she breaks her finger and cannot play when they travel to South America....similar to the first season where the driver takes her out of the way so she misses the concert. I love the music and locales, but it seems like this season is all over the place, and the characters seem uncharacteristic this season.

I'm in a glass case of emotion!"


She asked which season you thought was better, not to spoil the first half of season 2 for her. 


I'd say similar too, maybe a little worse. Season 2's episodes seem random and all over the place, although I thought the very last episode was one of the best.

I'm mostly ambivalent about it (I think it's pretty far from the best comedy too, but I'm not a HFPA member, either). Bernadette Peters is very good in it; Malcolm McDowell's character grew tiresome to me. It's not bad, it's just not (to me) terribly engaging.


Season 2's episodes seem random and all over the place

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking after several episodes into the season. I'm not seeing a story, just the camera following the characters. Wouldn't be surprised to see an episode where we follow Rodrigo as he goes through the aisles filling his cart at the local super market.


Season two was rather disappointing for me even though I'm excited for a season three. They changed Hailey's character to whore herself out to get ahead in her career and it pissed me off. It's one thing if we get to watch a character arc change over time but when the character is just totally different without watching a gradual change, it's very annoying and she is very different between season one and season two. Also, I was disappointed that things weren't more wrapped up in the end of season two as they wrapped up so nicely in the end of season one.


I loved season 1. Season 2 has been just ok. I still enjoyed it, but not as binge-able.



Hablo mejor español :)


Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Season 1 was kinda like "Devil Wears Prada,' but Season 2 was more like "Sex and the City" ??


You're not the only one. I watched season 1 in one day and fell in love with it after watching the first 2 episodes. It kind of reminded me Lipstick Jungle, The Devil wears Prada


Oh wow, I disagree with most posters here. I just finished season 2 and I loved it! I thought it was better than season 1, the show gains momentum in many levels. I really liked the Latin America tour storyline and I liked the union debate storyline with the evil rich guy, I liked how all the characters developed and of course I liked the music.



Yeah, season 2 was fine.


I'm with you. I loved season 1 and I am loving season 2 just as much (I have three episodes of it left). I really enjoy this show. Gael Garcia Bernal is perfectly cast, as is pretty much everyone else.
