MovieChat Forums > Richard Jewell (2019) Discussion > CE's most conservative movie?

CE's most conservative movie?

I'm a year late but I just saw this piece of anti-FBI, anti-media propaganda. A dangerous movie to release when Trump was attacking those institutions. Good thing it flopped.


Nothing but truth! Very dangerous for the left!


Typical leftist post..

It's an excellent movie, turn off CNN and get out more..


Very nice Mr. Eastwood, a nice
F U C K you to the FBI and the media. You killed 2 birds w one movie!


I'm a leftist, and I agree. FUCK the FBI and FUCK the media. And RIP Richard Jewell, an innocent, regular guy who was essentially *framed* by a craven, self-serving, arrogant, and self-regarding establishment.

Shame on *parts of the left* that were once the TRUE anti-authoritarians, now giving up its liberal, anti-establishment, rebellious legacy and becoming damn authoritarian-simping statists (i.e. Stalinist Communists).


Uh, what? It’s a movie about how bad the cops are. Obviously not pro-cop, not pro-conservative.


The FBI worked the case, not just local cops.


The same FBI that was founded by militant conservative and racist, J Edgar Hoover (ironically a man that Eastwood also made a film about)? The man who believed Martin Luther King Jr. to be a 'dangerous communist' (or at least wanted the rest of society to believe he was)?



You don't think the late wrongly accused Richard Jewell deserved to have his story told and embraced by the public.

Sorry, TheArgentinian, but the TRUTH is that the FBI and media screwed up. Those are the FACTS. FUCK and I mean *FUCK* the 'correct narrative'. The TRUTH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> narrative.

As much as I utterly detest Trump, perhaps if the FBI, historically NO friend of the political left, and the media, did their jobs properly, he wouldn't be able to accrue so much power by whipping the public against them.
