Beard or no beard?

Did you like Mutt better with or without the facial hair?


Who cares. He's so handsome either way.





I'm a man, who only drinks red wine (if that was the girls one), and I will say with the beard. He has serial killer eyes and the beard sort of distracts from that. But I'm not really rating his handsomeness, just that he looks less like a serial killer with the beard.


Beard. Mutt's way better looking and much more handsome with that beard than without it and he almost looks like an entirely different person when he shaves it off. Kinda like Zach Galifanikis.


Yes, I think the beard is a necessary thing.


WITH. His face is so handsome, it is riveting. lol. A beard tones down the power of HOW HANDSOME HE IS. Yes, I have a little crush on Mutt.

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A beard can definitely make or break the look of a man's face. In Mutt's case, it's certainly for the best he keeps it and like Alexis said, he needs to speak to his other half before shaving it off.

Mutt only shaves it every 6 months so keeping it longer won't do much difference. 


That comment right before the cut away about him having little doll lips slays me. I love Alexis.



but the guy is too skinny for my taste. a bit more beef and he would be perf.


With...and just to point out I've never been a fan of beards (I don't mean that as a derivative comment or something of similar meaning, it's just my personal opinion). I've found that a lot of guys, even if they look good both ways, suit a clean-shaved look over a beard but I find it seems the opposite for Tim. The same for another actor too, Charlie Weber, who, I have thought for a long time that they look alike and should maybe play brothers one day. :)
