Fresh & Funny

Wow. Funniest sitcom I've seen in ages. Quick sharp dialogue. Smart humour that is not spelled out for you. Great characters, from the histrionic Moira to the sardonically witty desk girl.Looking forward to more.


Do you work on the show?

It almost seems as though you created this account recently just to rate this show a 10 and comment with exaggerated praise.


I'd say millerbyronjames is likely either Eugene Levy or Dan Levy. Definitely not Chris Elliott, though.


Ha! Thanks for the compliment, but I have nothing whatsoever to do with this show. I created this account today and reviewed and posted because I was inspired to by the sheer greatness of this show. Exaggerated praise? Hardly! This is high brow satire on par with The Office.


Which version of "The Office" ?


Either. The show was smart and inspired. As is this one. :)


Yeah it's for sure as good as either version of The Office, two of the best comedy series in TV history. This show is that good and you can confidently say that based on the first two episodes which people on the boards generally seem to dislike. Anyhow thanks for creating an account yesterday expressly to vote Schitt's Creek up and praise it on the message boards, Dan Levy. Er, Miller Byron James.


Well somebody had to provide some reasonable balance here. (Speaking of balance.....have you posted many positive reviews? The ones I see are all negative. Maybe show bashing is just your thing.)

And for the record, yes, I can confidently say that based on the first two surely as others can trash it without having even seen it at all. One reviewer admitted to watching only the first half of episode one! That's a review?

"People on the boards" seem to be simply out to trash a high quality, well written show. It has already been renewed for season 2 for pete's sake!

Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea....but this show had me roaring! “You get murdered first!” “No, YOU get murdered first!” Hillarious!


".....a selfish duplicitous whore.....Oh hello!" Funny!


I have never seen the office, nor do I want to....but best comedies of all time....well that to me would be a whole bunch of others, rather then the US, Canada, and UK.......

cbc has high hopes for it....


Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea....but this show had me roaring! “You get murdered first!” “No, YOU get murdered first!” Hillarious!

you definitely said it best......


I am so excited that there will be a second season. These characters are so interesting and the ending made me wish I knew what the next step would be for each of them.

Mutt at the party looked a little like Brad Pitt under all of that dark hair (too dark, IMO) and I want to see how Ted fares in the upcoming season.


I'm sure that MillerByronJames isn't actually officially associated with the show itself; he's probably an intern at CBC or TVGN/POP or working for a social media promotion company they have hired or something. Different thing entirely.

All Art is pretense.


MillerByronJames ... probably an intern at CBC or TVGN/POP or working for a social media promotion company they have hired or something.
Well, whoever he/she is, it's not very convincing or effective. Just creepy.


Sad really. Even if he does trick people into watching the show it's not like they won't realize how bad it is once they do. What's the point?


What’s creepy and sad is the need of some to crap all over others for having an opinion. You don't like it. Great. I really don't give a schitt. Certainly not enough to personally attack you for your lack of intelligence and sense of humour. Nor would I even think about your opinion long enough to wonder who you were really working for. I just don't care. That you and your fellow trolls care so much about what I have to say is creepy indeed.

Having said that, mine is not the only positive view:

“Happily, the in-your-face-ness of the series title's without-a-paddle punchline is in no way representative of Schitt's Creek's comedy, which quickly shows itself to be smart, sharp and fully worthy of having a couple of Canadian comedy legends in its cast.” - Brad Oswald, Winnipeg Free Press.

“....Schitt’s Creek is good. As in really, really good.” - David Berry, National Post.

Maybe we all work for CBC! Maybe CBC is paying us all to write good reviews on the web and in the national media! Oooohhh.....or even better.....we are all the same person!! Yes! I am Dan Levy!! I am also Eugene Levy, Brad Oswald, AND David Berry! You’ve figured me (us) out! You are all so clever! (Just not clever enough to appreciate the humour of Schitt’s Creek.)


??? I've read this thread and don't see anyone personally attacking you. i don't care if you work for the show or not.

there's good reviews and bad reviews, whatever, the ratings will show if people want to watch it or not.


don't see anyone personally attacking you

Sad. Creepy. Fake. You don't see personal attack there? Sorry, but I do. From my very first comment.

the ratings will show if people want to watch it or not



Probably us version...


It's possible -however remote - that someone found this show funny. There's something for everyone I guess.

But is your posting fake? What else can we assess besides your dubious claim of loving the show. You also equate it to "The Office". Sorry, no. Not even in the same galaxy, let alone league. Even someone who can tolerate and enjoy the show wouldn't mistake it for "The Office".

Then as a tie breaker we have your claim that Schitt's Creek was so good it inspired you to create an IMDB account. You've gone too far and told the lie that breaks your story.

Even the press sound bites you conveniently post from your desk at "Not A Real Company" productions knew how to dial back the praise to a believable level.


Yawn. How about we take the criticism to a believable level?


sorry to say this..but chris Elliot we could definitely do without....

there would have been so many other Canadian actors who could have done his part......better



I feel for your sense of taste. This show fell flat, and while the concept is great, the execution was terrible.


Could not disagree more. Time will prove me out.


How do you know "time will prove you out?" Sounds like you know what's coming next. As if you have seen the episodes. Sort of like you created, wrote and starred in them. Kinda like your name is Dan Levy.


I'm pretty sure Mr. Levy has better things to do with his time these days.


Apparently not, considering his number one option appears to be this show.


Some shows tank even when they're good. Just saying is all... As for this show, I'm really enjoying it. The writing is funny and the acting is really good. I'm bugged by a couple of minor things but not enough to keep me from watching. It's always a treat to see a well-done Canadian show especially a comedy. I'm glad Catherine and Eugene came back to give back.


I feel the concept is stale but the execution was terrific. Vive la difference!


I thought the concept was great. I find the execution good but could be a little better.

Of course it's 100x better than most of the rubbish on these days.


Better be careful how you use the word "execution" around this show. It could give someone ideas as to what to do to those responsible for this disaster.


Of course it's 100x better than most of the rubbish on these days.

you said it....



You must have watched a different show than I did. This reminded me of "The Trouble With Tracy", only with better production values. It was THAT unfunny.


"The Trouble With Tracy", only with better production values. It was THAT unfunny.

I kind of liked that show, didn't see too many eppies of if you're talking about the remake..that was unwatchable...but the original was really good for its time

hello just fine thank you....


I don't watch any sitcoms other than Silicon Valley, but I thought it was pretty funny for the most part. But I like Levy and Elliott.


Finally another voice of reason! I thought it was very well written and laugh out loud funny.


you know why I like Canadian comedies so much, is because they rarely have a laugh track...they are not all done in front of a live audience..i laugh when I want to.....and I laughed a lot over this show....

the only character that doesn't do anything for me is the daughter......but I really do like the desk girl......



Agreed that a comedy is better without a laugh track. I'll take Schitt's Creek over The Big Bang Theory any day.


I'll take Schitt's Creek over The Big Bang Theory any day.

me too



although I do have issues with the girl's boyfriend that we never saw....that being his name....

the soap that I watch there's a creep on there, every once in awhile that has the same to have to keep on hearing about a character that I can't stand...well....

couldn't they have given him some other kind of greek



and you can laugh when you want..or not......



Totally agree, and to the people here claiming that the OP has no sense of taste, Im a huge tv addict/elitist, Ill crap all over genuinely awful shows ( 2 broke girls) but this show is pretty funny.
