Why this made me hate Nazism even more.

When part 24 mentioned that if Germany had won World War 2, there would be no pornography (amongst other things), and that "Cabaret" era 1920's Berlin was a den of iniquity, populated by hedonists and homosexuals that were best eradicated from the face of the earth, that was it for me. 1920's Berlin was party heaven ffs (well at least for some). I now really hope Nazism is damned to hell forever. Talk about killjoys. Anyone else think the same?


Nope. There is growing evidence that pornography has a disastrous effect on peoples' brains. Especially since the advent of Internet porn and with young teens getting their hands on it. In short, it produces measurable changes in brain activity, similar to what you would find in heavy drug users; it stymies the ability to delay gratification; it severely hampers motivation; it increases social insecurities.
This website is quite interesting: http://yourbrainonporn.com/
Regardless of the merits you may attribute to cabaret and other adult performance I find it hard to justify the kind of filth that is to be found online these days.
Of all the Nazi policies you could have mentioned this one actually seems quite reasonable to me.


Are you kidding? Germany has some of the most fu-cked up porn you've ever seen! Trust me, I know - I'm an avid porn watcher.


Yes, Germany. Germany today Not the Third Reich. Germany today has porn. The Nazis lost the war. Are you trying to say that even if the Nazis had won the war that they would be producing scat porn like they are today?


Probably. Germans are crazzayyy (especially the Nazis). I mean, believe me, they'd more than likely be producing even MORE fu-cked up *beep* if the Nazis had won the war. We'd probably have access to titles such as "Dirty Jew Sucks Off Donkey: An Interspecies Erotica Adventure" or something like that.


While there may have been an over-represented Jewish or Zionist presence in the porn/entertainment of the Weimar era, as the Nazis preached, this does not in any way explain or exonerate the German "need" for porn and licentious entertainment. As with the case of illegal/unhealthy drugs, the suppliers only respond to the market. So German porn was at least as much a German problem as it was a creation of "degraded Jews". The Weimar Germans wanted porn, and various sources supplied it to them.

Moreover, in the US, legal porn is a form of protected free speech - as well it should be. Whatever consenting adults legally do is none of the government's business (although it could ultimately be so, in the sense that the government might get into "the Business" as it has with alcohol and tobacco!). That's one of Nazism's greatest gaffes: eliminating porn "for the people's own good" is, of course, fascism at its worst. No government has the right to so evaluate and prosecute. But what else would you expect from a system ruled by a dictator "from the top down"?
