Disappointing and Disgusting.

From the first ten minutes of this documentary it's apparent that it was intentionally made to portray Hitler in a positive light. Not only that, but its sources include holocaust denial websites! What a joke.

Here's a lengthy thread on Stormfront (the internet's largest hate community) in support of this documentary! https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t997671-3/

This film is a disgusting piece of trash.


If it's trash perhaps you can list a bunch of inaccuracies/lies in the film?

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


He was held back in his first year of high school, failed mathematics(1), and quit school at the age of sixteen(2). The Documentary summarizes these facts by telling you that Hitler did well in school. Hitler's generally known to have had only one good friend during his youth, August Kubizek(3). The Documentary lets you know that he was very popular, however.

I'm sure we could go on and on with this debate, and I would, over the course of the argument, become an expert on Hitler. The fact is that this is a slanted documentary, made with the specific intention of portraying Hitler in a positive light. You might think that 'The Greatest Story Never Told' is a fun counterpoint to his usual portrayal, but I prefer to see history objectively. I, personally, don't enjoy politics, or the 'he said she said' version of past events.

1- http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/boyhood.htm
2- http://biography.yourdictionary.com/articles/adolf-hitlers-childhood.html
3- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Kubizek


There's no doubt it portrays him in a positive light. That's painfully obvious and goes without saying. What else would you expect from a film with of this name?

It is utterly one-sided. I'm just not sure how accurate it is though. I've not had the time or inclination to go through it looking for faults/lies/mistakes.

While making a big story like this you'd expect a few mistakes in there, that could be forgiven. Especially given WW2 is shrouded in misinformation. If the filmmaker has got some minor details wrong about Hitler's early days I wouldn't be nailing him to the cross just yet. I'd be interested to know just how much of the film is accurate.

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


I guess that's true.


Why do we sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame when we're already there?


Did you finish it?

"We'll be alive but like a nightmare. You drink blood, you won't wake up from nightmare."


This is a documentary made by people who love hitler. It is made specifically with the intent of portraying him in a positive light. There is no denying that fact.


That doesn't answer my question.

"Brother, life's a bitch...and she's back in heat."


Who denied it?

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


you really want to watch a fake documentary, made by neo-nazis? I pointed out multiple lies just in the first few minutes of this pile of *beep*


This movie shows the other side of the story and if you believe that WW2 was the only war in history without propaganda and lies on every side, then OK, keep learning about history from Hollywood movies.

Also, if I say there were no WMD in Iraq, does this make me a neo-Baathist, a Saddam apologist? If not, how does looking at WW2 through German optics and saying there was no holocaust make me a neo-Nazi or Hitler apologist?

Hitler was no angel but at least he didn't mass murder his own people or wish to launch a worldwide communist revolution. Stalin did both yet somehow Roosevelt and his advisors managed to convince the world that communist were our buddies and USA made it possible for Soviet Union (and China) to win and become communist superpowers. Half of Europe paid a huge price for Roosevelt's (and Churchill's) blunders, was under Soviet boot for 50 years.


There may be two sides to every story, but I only care about the facts.
