The Hypocrisy About Him Being A Dictator

His wartime enemies criticised him for being a dictator but its a fact that the entire democratic world entered into an alliance with Stalin. They did so willingly not because they had to. Franklin Roosevelt praised Stalin before the war and sent him a telegram in 1937 congratulating the Soviet leader on 20 years of communism. And even before Pearl Harbor he was sending military aid to the USSR. Winston Churchill wrote to Stalin in June 1940 a full year before the soviet-nazi war broke out asking him to join the war on Britain's side.
Stalin was a dictator.
Stalin ran a one party state.
Stalin had secret police.
Stalin had concentration camps. (the gulag)
Stalin had press censorship.
Stalin invaded Poland in September 1939.
So what problem did Roosevelt and Churchill have with Hitler?
The hypocrisy of Roosevelt -
The hypocrisy of Churchill -


bang on and it was british who started concentration camps during Boer war

and all these states countries have censorship regardless of whether its democratic or dictatorship
