In many ways even these six hours are really little more that a huge trailer and each episode could be expanded as we discover again and again, where the Devil sits, always in the details.

After 70 years of Allied outright lies and propaganda TGSNT gives us the TRUTH with both barrels in a touching and moving way that will have you tearful at what WE did to the German people AFTER the war, the rape torture and killing of millions of women and girls. The Eisenhower Death camps where millions of German men were simply starved to death AFTER the war and the unveiling of Allied massacres such as the 25,000 polish officers at Katyn all to blame them damn Germans.

Dennis Wise carefully explains how wars are fought and that the victors write the history and also do the voice-overs too, Lord Olivier, for a nice payment and a small commission for my agent.



Yes, WWII is an extremely complicated matter, and even more so, when you are having to question and unlearn a lifetime of propaganda. A great place to start would be YouTube. Check out David Irving's videos, as he is the most researched historian on the War, especially when it comes to Hitler and Churchill. As far as the Holohoax goes, check out David Cole's documentaries to start with. There is also ample information about Elie "The Weasel" Wiesel, if you want to know more about his many lies.


I second the recommendation to check out David Irving's videos.

He's a leading WW2 historian who interviewed many of the Nazi guys in the 50s and 60s. Sadly, he has been ostracized for trying to be honest and unbiased, as a historian is supposed to be. He has some interesting talks, and he questions some of the official narrative about WW2, Hitler, and the Nazis.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


Send me just 19.95, yes, just 19.95 and I will, this time only, send you the true story as told by Alex Jones and David Icke. This is a one time offer and will not be extended past Christmas.

That was a joke, seriously now. If you want all of the conspiratard theory simply go to Youtube. Every nut on the planet Earth goes there and posts videos made in their mommies basement. They are all just as bad as this one which "borrowed" footage from Hitler: The Rise of Evil. Yes, a video about how nice Hitler was which includes every nutty conspiracy theory that Hitler was a good guy stole footage from a movie which discussed how evil the man was.

This would only happen within the conspiratard movement. You cannot make this stuff up.


I've already made up my mind; I know the popular truth and the majority is on my side. Everyone who disagrees with us is a "conspiracy theorist", which means that they're probably a stupid young kid who only posts on YouTube, has zero credibility, and should be ignored.

I don't care if leading historians, scientists, etc, question the holocaust story. They're all wrong. *plugging my ears* LALALALALALA!

If they're not conspiracy theorists, they must be Neo-Nazis, Hitler lovers, or anti-Semites. In other words, they're bad people who I can write off with a single catchy phrase without having to listen to, think about, or consider a single word they say.

I am a very happy person and I laugh at you all! My ignorance is bliss! Now I'll turn on the idiot box to watch T.V. where I can learn from really trustworthy, valid sources!

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


I don't know that I would classify this as conspiracy theory, but it certainly is propaganda.

I question why a six hour treatise on Adolf Hitler has something like an hour and twenty minutes devoted to the excesses of Stalin. Yes, Stalin was the greater tyrant and killed more people but it tells me nothing about Hitler. This is a standard propaganda ploy, the bad things done by our enemies are worse than the bad things done by our friends. Note, by the way, that Stalin and Hitler were allies when they both invaded Poland in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentropp pact. An historical event clearly missing from both nazi and allied history books.

Check out the 'historian' who informs us that Germany won WW1 in 1916. How did he work that out? There were millions of men in trenches from the English Channel to the Swiss Alps. Neither side had abandoned their military objectives. Neither side had surrendered or declared an armistice. It was a stalemate that lasted until the battle of Amiens in 1918.

What about the Jewish banker who 'stabbed the army in the back' by funding the Bolsheviks to fight Germany. Anyone notice that the Bolsheviks withdrew from the war? Not much of a stab.

All those unlabelled stolen bits from movies masquerading as contemporary newsreels. There was even the D-day landing craft scene from Saving Private Ryan rendered in black and white! A reenactment of events can be informative but why fail to indicate that it is not actual history?

What I learned from watching this is that Hitler could not accept the fact that the German army was defeated in WW1. That he deluded himself with the 'stabbed in the back' story. Without regard to his methods, he took a defeated and broken country and turned it into an economic miracle. Once he had his 'mighty' army he redressed the shame of Versailles. Then, when he had achieved this objective, he lost the plot.

In summary, kind of interesting as a propaganda piece but over long.


It is not only propaganda but really bad propaganda. Designed, I'd guess, to preach to a choir of a certain substrata of society. When I say it is bad, I really mean it. It gets so many documented facts wrong that not even the least educated amateur historian would be in disbelief. And when it does get facts right, they are delivered in such a way as to show its bias. Do not get me wrong. I have absolutely no problem with any version of history being questioned. It is what historians do. But this isn't history. It is agenda. Not a search for truth.

In the end, I just had to smile at the irony of this show saying the words propaganda and lies so many times.

Some good music though. But sadly none of the music reflected the story.



Agreed Blunderbus . It's not a documentary but masturbation fuel for people who think the Nazis were misunderstood and ISIS and Hamas are noble freedom fighters

