MovieChat Forums > The Astronaut Wives Club (2015) Discussion > Favorite and Least Favorite Wives

Favorite and Least Favorite Wives

I guess my favorite wife was Betty Grissom, but that may be because JoAnna Garcia Swisher has been a favorite of mine ever since Gossip Girl. The nicest, I think, was Annie Glenn. I liked Trudy Cooper and Rene Carpenter a little less than the other five, but basically I liked them all. I guess the one I liked least would be Rene because she was so outspoken and flamboyant, always marching to the beat of her own drummer.

You really didn't see much of any of them being mothers. I assume they all had kids, but, aside from the Grissoms having two boys, I couldn't really tell who had kids and how many of each gender! I

I was a little surprised to see Trudy ironing!

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


My favorite was Betty. She was a down home gal.

Grands...Glad to see you come and glad to see you go


My favorite wife is definitely Annie Glenn. Her struggles and then overcoming her stuttering showed what a truly exceptional woman she is. I also liked Trudy Cooper for he strength and intelligence. Renee Carpenter was another of my favorites for similar reasons.

My least favorite would have to be Louise Shepard.


Favorites were Annie and Reen. Least favorite was Louise...


My favorite wife was Louise. I think she evolved the most in a lot of ways. At the start, she was very guarded and insular but, as the show went on/years passed, she opened up and showed her warm side. I respect her poise and devotion to her marriage despite all the odds she faced. I thought the actress was wonderful and did a great job giving her character so much depth. After Louise, it has to be Marge and Betty.

My least favorite wife...I don't really have a least favorite but I'll say that I wasn't crazy about Trudy. I didn't like her personality much, though I do respect that she was very ambitious, independent, and strong-willed...the actress, though absolutely beautiful, was just the weakest of the 7 main actresses to me. I felt like she was always shouting her lines in a very unnatural way. It was distracting.


Annie was my favorite, and I really liked the way her and John showed how important the other was to them


My favorite was Betty Grissom. I liked her at ease, home-spun, personality. She got along with everyone.

I also liked Annie Glenn. She showed real bravery in facing the public while trying to cope with her speech impediment. In the end, with therapy, she pretty much overcame the stuttering and was comfortable in public.

I also liked Louise Shepard. While she was at first reserved, she gradually came out of her shell to become a source of strength to the other wives.

When you think about it, the 7 Mercury astronaut wives were unique. They had only each other for support. No one else in the world had ever faced the challenge of having their husband shot into space in a tiny capsule, not knowing if they would survive. Only those 7 wives knew the hopes and fears of each of them.

That was a unique time in history for all of us................
