Skipping the moon?

Next weeks promo shows the Apollo 13 incident. But doesn't that happen after they land on the moon? Why wouldn't they show the most important mission? I know it's a show about the wives, and I don't think we've met Neil or Buzz's wives, but still seems important.


I didn't see the promo, but I'd expect that Apollo 11 will be in the episode also, at least briefly.

I also expect to see Apollo 14, as it puts the capper on the Shepards' storyline.

Just an aside: we haven't met Mike Collins' wife either.


That's what I was wondering - Apollo 11 was the biggest moment. I figured they'd save Apollo 13 for season 2 - that alone could cover two episodes.


Except it's already been the subject of a feature-length movie, and also an episode of "From the Earth to the Moon."


Not from the wives' perspectives.


There's almost noting in the book about Neil Armstrong's wife. He left NASA pretty fast after the moon mission and lived a low-profile life afterwards.

There's plenty from Buzz's wife about life with him before and after Apollo 11, but not much about the mission.


Stuff to wrap up, if they follow history (I thought the last episode was a serious hack job on that)

1) Gordo not getting Apollo 13 and Shephard getting it instead

2) Apollo 11 briefly

3) Apollo 13 a bit more since Marilyn Lovell has had some screen time, plus the fact that they bumped Shephard and his crew back from 13 to 14.

3) Apollo 14

4) Apollo-Soyuz


--Yet more infidelity/divorce drama (Eisle was just the start).

--Gene Cernan crashing his helicopter whilst showboating and almost losing his moon mission.

--The controversy over the push to get Harrison Schmitt a moon landing slot.

Skylab came before Apollo-Soyuz, and they won't get to either.


ASTP should get a mention, since that was Deke's flight. I doubt if they'll bring up anything on the Skylab or other Apollo missions. I don't think that Cernan or Schmitt's wives have popped up on screen at this point.


I could see them tacking on Apollo-Soyuz as a sort of epilog, skipping the intervening years from 1971 to '75.

Apollo 14 is a natural climax to the Shepard storyline, which is one of the main ones of the show. As noted, it also has backhand relevance to the Coopers. Kind of wondering if they'll dip back into their marital story, which also has a natural - though not so happy - resolution.


The episode will probably start off the wives and astronauts at a party watching the landing just like in Apollo 13. Then it will jump to 13, have all the drama, show Alan on 14 and probably end with 17.

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year
