MovieChat Forums > The Astronaut Wives Club (2015) Discussion > Ep. 5 - I like what they did with Rene a...

Ep. 5 - I like what they did with Rene and Trudy's characters.

That quick flash of a news article about Gloria Steinem's Bunny days was a nice reference point along with the publication of The Feminine Mystique in '63.

Tight writing tonight, especially ending with Kennedy's assassination juxtaposed with one of Rene's writing samples - 'Dinner with The President' the night before in Texas.


When they announced, "The President's been shot," it took me right back to when I heard it back in the day. I got chills.


Season 3 of Mad Men is set in 1963; episode 12 takes place the weekend of JFK's assassination.

I know what you mean about 'chills.'


That moment is when the sh*t hits the fan in the 60's.


It's only 1963, there are many more 'moments' to come.


It seems to me that was the beginning of it all, was it not? 5 years later it was hippy hair, burning bras and draft cards, riots and such?


Right around this time Ken Kesey is experimenting with LSD and hooking up with The Warlocks, who then become the Grateful Dead. Next year he takes off on the famous "Furthur" hegira, which gives birth to the whole Merry Pranksters/Acid Tests thing. LBJ orders the first real big transfers of US troops to Vietnam and the Voting Rights Act passes. The Mississippi Three are murdered by the Klan. Yep, the seeds of everything that erupts three years later are sowed right about now in the timeline of the show.
