Thank you for sharing that. I never knew so many of them ended up divorcing.

something wicked this way comes . . . .


You should find the HBO miniseries From the Earth to the Moon, which won an Emmy award, and which devoted one part to the Apollo wives and discussed the flood of divorces after John Young's wife finally got fed up. I believe Jim and Marilyn Lovell were the only ones of that group who remained married.


Yes. As I recall, that episode was focused on the "New Nine," which was the group named in '62.


Funny that Shepard and his wife stayed married until he died. 53 years of marriage!

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


I think their marriage was similar to a political marriage.

Grands...Glad to see you come and glad to see you go


I thought about that, but even that is tough to do for 53 years! But from all reports, they were very close. You never know about a relationship. They were in their 70's when they died, just weeks apart. She died of a heart attack a few weeks after him, as she was traveling by airplane 40,000 feet in the air. Kind of strange she was the one of them who died in an airplane.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


I was sad to read that even Gus Grissom cheated on his wife. Next to John Glenn and Annie, they seem to have the strongest marriage on the show. So, is John Glenn the only one who stayed faithful?


Scott Carpenter was apparently faithful to Rene up through the Mercury program. Then he went off to do all kinds of undersea research and she began a career as a journalist and political advocate. In their case, although the book isn't explicit, I got the impression that they developed separate lives and then Scott took up with another woman.

Yeah, apparently ol' grumpy Gus didn't keep his pants zipped either, but Betty was kind of a handful as a wife. There's lots of documentary material about Betty because she ran her mouth a lot, sued over the Apollo fire that killed Gus and then later she and one of her sons developed some conspiracy theory about NASA covering up the cause of the fire. Grissom's son used to post a lot on about his mom and their nutty theories about the fire.
