MovieChat Forums > Nerve (2016) Discussion > Movie should be called 'Stupid ******* M...

Movie should be called 'Stupid ******* Millennials'

The film is simply poorly written and is aimed at an audience that is too young to call them out on it. Visually the film has great set pieces that bring intriguing dilemmas for our characters but doesn’t have the smarts to pull off any angle they establish. Plot induced stupidity is the driving factor of this film and you can only play the naivety card so much until it begins to take you out of the realm of believability and enjoyment. The acting in this film is very Mean Girls meets Mr. Robot. Emma Roberts doesn’t play the shy innocent teen well and Dave Franco has seen better than this movie. The premise had potential to be a great thriller under a better screenwriter. Sadly this film has too much to overcome in order to be competent. Nerve is a dumb teen action movie which doesn’t do anything to help the reputation of teens, New Yorkers, hackers, or society in general. The next time you try to make a statement on the world, don’t write a story that more insulting than the people you are trying to critique.


I don't understand why critics like this have to be so serious about a film that you're supposed to have fun in. You're making it a much bigger thing than it actually is. It's written fine. Critics like this bitch just so they can bitch and will find any excuses to pull the "teenagers are dumb" card.


Yeah, I absolutely agree. Movie snobs really know how to suck the wind out of my sails. I just got finished watching this Movie, and I had fun.. I seen the message it was putting across. Even if it didn't do an autopsy on it, and put it completely out there like some people wanted, they did just fine. If this Movie was supposed to be more meaningful, then I'd be upset, but it wasn't.. Sometimes it's fun just to watch a movie, without having to over think it..


If you want a dumb movie to have fun with, watch Purge Anarchy, it's a stupid premise that still allows itself to succeed within it's own universe and it's actually a good movie. This movie is just dumb and is more insulting to teens (which I assume you are) and you should be bothered by the fact the film gives you such little credit as people.


I like this way better then the purge series. Has a millennial upbeat to it.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


I agree..too..

btw: Dark and Deep web=lots of cruiosity, danger and movie material! (And book, and TV)


I enjoyed the movie well enough for what it was, but I agree that the premise was a bit idiotic, as were most of the characters in it.


Try and look on the bright side: maybe a bunch of them will get killed during the film. It's not a slasher film (which always guarantee a high body count), but it is a thriller, and you can usually count on them for a few murders.

Are you enjoying your genetically modified food?


It was entertaining, the dares went from pretty tame to decidedly darker as the stakes grew, I loved most of it, it was good entertainment on a late drizzly night in wisconsin.


You don't really give examples of the stupidity so I don't know what you're referring to. I thought it was a fine movie about the dangers of the internet and it thrilled me just fine.

Trying to create a funny, engaging YouTube channel. If you guys check it out, hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


That said, it DOES accurately portray the average intellect and common sense of the average under-30 numbskulls of the modern age... 10/10 for art imitating life!

lol ;D


It's actually quite disturbing just how right you are, Alondro. How many people out there at the age of the characters in the film (say, 18 at least) use technology and media constantly without any adult supervision whatsoever?

We could also talk about the one scene near the end of the film that clearly portrays a group of young children in bed, watching a murder unfold on their iPad--horrifyingly realistic given that many parents actually have gifted their kids with devices like tablets at ages as young as 2-4 years old.


None of the high school students are Millennials. We're beyond the Millennial generation now.

Are you not entertained?!


Why did you watch this? Clearly it is not in your grumpy old age range. I just defended old people on another thread. I see now I was wrong.


OP. My thoughts exactly.
