13 sins?

I don;t know if this was mentioned before. I haven;t seen the movie but the concept reminded me very much of the movie '13 sins (2014)'.

Anyone agrees?

Is it similar for the people who;ve seen it?

"Overgrown condom failure."


I've seen nerve and the original Thai movie 13: Game of death that 13 Sins is the remake of.

You are correct, the basic concept is almost identical, a series of dares/challenges gradually escalating from the trivial to the life threatening and illegal.

The difference is really in the tone of the movies. Nerve is pretty lightweight and chooses to focus on the social media aspects, making the "watchers" as central to the plot as the players. Basically lecturing us on how we are responsible for tacitly watching events unfold.

13 Sins on the other hand is darker from the start. The dares are clearly illegal, even evil,and also the film goes for the gore. Much more horror than social awareness.

Both enjoyable films but I'd recommend the original more.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


Been a bunch of similar movies recently. Add to that list 'Would You Rather?' and 'Cheap Thrills' (best of the bunch).

"To err is human...so...errrr..." - Gary King


I have never seen it but this movies was based off of a book.

29 // Navy Vet


This was mostly a teeny bopper movie, 13 Sins much better.


A kiddie version of it kinda.

Seth Rogue One: A Star Weed Story http://i.imgur.com/DvGLO38.jpg
