Superman game

I've heard talk lately that Rocksteady plans to make a Superman game in the same way they have made the Batman games. Does anyone else think this could be *beep* awesome?


Superman is a much harder character to do than Batman. With Batman, he's very complex and has many layers. He's a human being and there are things he can't do. Superman, on the other hand, is all powerful and invulnerable, so it would be very difficult to do a believable Superman game.


Yeah, I think they'd make a decent stab at it, but it's a very different character to work with. Portraying Superman's powers as being like Batman's gadgets might work, but how do you handle the super strength and invulnerability? The guy should be able to knock over buildings with a punch or withstand a nuke going off. You'd have to set limits somewhere, which could lead to an unsatisfying portrayal. And will all the badguys being using Kryptonite weapons or are we playing as a severely depowered man of steel? Many questions.

Who loves ya, baby?


I for one would love for them to do a Superman game set in the Arkhamverse, I hope it happens.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I for one would love for them to do a Superman game set in the Arkhamverse, I hope it happens.

Me too, I hope it's set in the Arkhamverse


It would be interesting to see a Superman game. There hasn't really been a proper good one IMO. Like many have said, it would be hard to make a Superman game since he can do nearly anything and go anywhere. Also tonally, Supes is quite different from Batman which might be challenging. If they do make a Superman game related to the Arkhams, I'd image the following:

-Rescue missions (since that's what Superman does mostly)
-Combat involving "bullet" time. If one thing could match the awesome fighting of the Arkham games, it would be Superman taking out multiple guys in slow motion (like Quicksilver in X-Men Days of Future Past and Apocalypse). Kind of like an extended version of multi-fear take down. Enemies would probably need to be beefed up with guns (probably kyptonite bullets) and armor to make it more of a challenge.
-Maybe switching between Kent and Superman for certain objectives and being secretive about it? As Kent the missions change to something like a spying game. Or maybe lots of more talking interactions, but that maybe straying too far to likes of a point and click adventure.
-Good use of an xray mode. It'd probably draw comparisons to detective mode, but maybe make it unique for Superman. They can also include leather objects which are unseeable that could/could not be traps.
-Maps would be huge and that would present a huge technical challenge if they are all connected. Just thinking of connecting the Fortress of Solitude with Metropolis (and maybe Gotham??) and Smallville sounds crazy for now. Then imagine adding space into it.


Rocksteady would make Superman a mopey bum.
