MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) Discussion > Arkham Knight works better when..

Arkham Knight works better when..

when you sort suspend disbelief and pretend the whole game takes place over several weeks, perhaps even a month.
I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out.

Staying in tune with the franchise's tradition Arkham Knight, just like Asylum, City takes place over one night only.
With Arkham Asylum it sort of worked, because the plot was relatively small compared to the other games.

Arkham Knight is not like the first two games. Arkham Asylum is a horror detective story. Arkham City is a classic Superhero tale. Arkham Knight however, is a war-story.
Everything about it is war.
A majority of the main characters point this out us, Gordon: "deep inside I knew war was coming, I was just waited for the one to pull the trigger"
Batman: "It's time to go to war"
Joker: "life used to be so much simpler back in the days, now its just war.."

The city of Gotham has changed almost into a Syrian war field, drones roaming the streets, flying through the sky, armed soldiers brutalizing the citizens.
I used to think the Militia forces were really boring adversaries to face. But in retrospect, its a really interesting and original dynamic. especially when you focus on their conversations and listen what they've got to say.
They're an outside force invading Gotham, and they're absolutely freaked out about its nature. Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Batman himself, it all creeps them out.
You regularly hear them complain about having to spend another minute in this stinking city.

And Batman. Batman is fighting them on like a guerrilla fighter.
While the city may be under occupation, the citizens may have fled in fear, Batman will always take stand.
Because he didn't just take a oath to pretend Gotham and its people, and took an oath to protect Gotham itself.
Its what truly marks Batman's obsession with his crime fighting life. He is so connected to Gotham City, that even when all the citizens are gone and basically no innocent life is danger he still stays behind to protect it.

The title 'Arkham Knight' almost makes much better sense when you pretend the games takes place over several weeks.
The previous two Arkham titles where reflections of the setting. The Arkham Knight himself is another character. subjectively it would have made much more sense for the game be called Batman: Scarecrow's Nightmare or something.

But if the game HAD been spanning over several weeks, the title makes so much more sense.
The Arkham Knight is the one who who conquered Gotham, and transformed it into his fortress, he is the true war lord who owns the city now.
Gotham is HIS domain. He may have needed Scarecrow to get rid of the citizens, and he may pretend to be his underling, but the militia soldiers are still HIS army.
Its up to Batman to liberate the city from his presence.
If the games takes place in only a couple of hours, then it isn't much of a occupation, more like a short ransom at best. The Arkham Knight never owned Gotham. He just held a gun at it and got taken down before the world could even react to it.
But when he's fighting an occupation that has been going on for several weeks, the Arkham Knight himself becomes much more of an objective. The true cancer that needs to be rid of Gotham before it can be cured.
After all Scarecrow may be the guy scheming in the shadows, but he's just one guy, and also a guy that Batman has beaten several times before.

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