MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) Discussion > Ace Chemicals on a small island

Ace Chemicals on a small island


Does anyone thinks that the location of Ace Chemicals is completely wrong? IAs far as I know, it always was in the city (like in previous games), not near.


The whole of Gotham City was redesigned for this game. Surely noticed none of the other establishments were where they were located in Arkham City and Origins?


The whole of Gotham City was redesigned for this game. Surely noticed none of the other establishments were where they were located in Arkham City and Origins?

I did, unfortunately. For e.x, AO in some terms has been anachronistic when compared to AC. But who am I to judge creator's decisions? It's just that the location of Ace Chemicals really took me by surprise. Or like GCPD building, where you need to travel through the garage in order to reach inside.


Or like GCPD building, where you need to travel through the garage in order to reach inside.

Prisoners are usually brought through a secret back door of a police station. I mean, if you were going in there to report a stolen wallet, would you want some ranting drug user being escorted in the front door after you?


The building in Arkham City was an administration building. This is the factory.


This game takes place in Gotham. None of the previous games took place in Gotham, so nothing has been changed. If you go up to a high spot in one particular place, you can see Arkham City and Wonder Tower off in the distance.

Plus, if something were to go wrong with the chemical plant, off on an island as opposed to in the middle of the city is a pretty good place for it.


This game takes place in Gotham. None of the previous games took place in Gotham, so nothing has been changed.

To tell the truth I never noticed Arkham City or Wonder Tower, but that none of the previous games (except Asylum) took place in Gotham? I find that unlikely. What about PArk Row, Coventry or even better - Crime Alley?
Is it safe to presume then that the game is happened in another area of the city?


To tell the truth I never noticed Arkham City or Wonder Tower, but that none of the previous games (except Asylum) took place in Gotham? I find that unlikely. What about PArk Row, Coventry or even better - Crime Alley?
Is it safe to presume then that the game is happened in another area of the city?

Yeah, I'm not sure why that person phrased it like this is the first time we were in Gotham City. ALL of the games have been located in Gotham City. Arkham City was a sectioned off older area (like the Narrows in Batman Begins), Arkham is its own Island, and Origins added a newer area closer to Arkham City. It seems Rocksteady's idea of Gotham is that its made up of multiple islands, the three main ones being in Arkham Knight, while everything else is in their own respected games off in the distance.


Fair enough.
