MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) Discussion > Cloudburst is the worst part of this gam...

Cloudburst is the worst part of this game.



Man it took me at least an hour to beat that part.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


Same. I was doing New Game Plus and I stopped playing the game for like two or three days out of frustration. That's how much I hate that boss battle.


I'm stuck on that right now. It's insanely frustrating. I watched a video of it to see if I was missing something and the guy makes it look so easy.


Took a while, but I finally beat it. All the other Batman games I went back and played again on the Plus mode, but I hated the batmobile so much in this one that I just don't see it happening.


If you mean the bit ending with the arkham knight in his tank. I hated that bit. In fact the tanks were well overused.


All you have to do is upgrade your Batmobile to the point where it can hack the tanks, then it's a cake walk.

"Kids are so evil! Why do we keep making them??"


I wouldn't go as far as calling it a cake walk but yes, it it easier when you can hack tanks.


I actually find cobra tanks more annoying than the actual cloudburst tank, just because there are so many of them and they tend to stick so close together. The cloudburst wasn't that bad in comparison, especially the end where you can basically just strafe and shoot. Still, too many goddamn tank battles.

'Save me, Barry!'


Yeah, I especially hated the tank battles where the area was pretty cramped and there's like 10-20 helicopters and missile launching tanks at once.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


Well I mean yeah, it was hard and frustrating to fight so many cobras at once, but individually they're pretty easy to beat because they can only scan the area straight ahead and you can take them out with one shot. The Knight's tank was frustrating because it can scan everything around so it's hard to sneak up on him and it takes multiple shots to take him down.


The cobras I faced were doing 360 scans plenty of the time, plus every time I tried to bait one of them over, they'd come in multiples and be covering each other so I couldn't come in from any one angle.

'Save me, Barry!'


I wish mine were only scanning straight ahead! Before I can lock on from behind, the turret spins around on me probably 85% of the time :/ I've been on this battle for days now


Yeah thats true the cobras were so annoying the cloudburst was a little relief.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I agree. It ruins the game play experience tremendously. The worst part is when two drone tanks are together and also it's hard to see their red laser target lock just because of the background used

The level up is also a bit annoying because they revamped the ways you can gain XP. In Arkham City, you earned XP for everything you did which includes beating up random thugs and with AK, they removed that option considering there's two to three times more upgrades in Arkham Knight vs. Arkham City. They should have kept that part of the game in Arkham Knight.

You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.


Beating up random thugs still gives you XP; it's just really slow. Plus, there are fewer random thugs, and lots of them run away from you.



Once I figured the trick to the cloudburst tank it became a lot easier. The 5 tanks before it though still gave me a really hard time. I never thought of hacking them.

I think the Batmobile sequences in general were a great idea in concept but the controls made that the worst part of the game. You could have total control driving around the city but once you got into a fight with the Batmobile, it's like the handling completely changed in the car, and the camera would rotate at strange angles making you over steer yourself into walls, and pillars where you'd be instantly cornered.


What's the trick to the cloudburst tank?


Once you get the shields down and you're left with just hitting the cloudburst in the front you lure it near a small building where you can easily quick slide around the corners of the building. At that point, the tank doesn't chase you for very long if it can't keep you locked in it's sights. So just quickly move around the building and just keep circling around that building until you finally get it destroyed.


I got really lucky on my story plus playthrough I took down one tank hacked another and 2 minutes later the tank I had hacked took the other 3 out with the cloudburst I'd just lure him near the tunes shoot and then turbo through the tunnel to the other end and wait for him took 2 or 3 tries once you work out a method the boss battles are the easiest bits I found the hardest part to be the gcpd attack
