MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) Discussion > Is WB to blame for way too damn much Bat...

Is WB to blame for way too damn much Batmobile?

I can't see how Rocksteady, creators of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, could possibly think making Arkham Batmobile was a good idea. A Batmobile section here and there would have been nice but damn...the whole friggin game?!! I blame WB and their influence. They wanted something "cool" for the next gen video game systems. This game is so far from Arkham City it is not the full "Batman" experience. It is the "Batmobile" experience.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.


I don't think we can ever know who really is behind the bad decisions in this game. Out of the series including AO, this one has the least replayability and is the most un-fun. I finished the game and dlc under 9 hours and haven't gone back to it because I like batman games not racing games.
This game looked great but lacked so much in gameplay - not one memorable encounter outside of cutscenes.
It was like they learnt nothing from the previous games - remember after AC so many people complained about Two-face being underused? In AK he didn't even get a cutscene let alone a decent sidequest. And people praised the boss fights from AO so RS/WB response is to not include any in AK?
And all the cut and paste encounters in this games smacks of lazy design and/or direction. It is hard to believe that anyone in RS or WB were OK with that.
Just like how could anyone not have protested about the final tank battles with AK and Deathstroke and suggest that maybe the players might feel a little cheated?
This game is not even 'the batmobile experience' cos you spend more time as a tank than a car. So disappointing.


According to them, it was something they had been wanting to do for a very long time. WB gave them free reigns and didn't really bother them during dev time. So yes, I believe it was fully Rocksteady's intention to give us the Batmobile the way that it is presented in the game today.

King Of Facts


That sucks then as there is way too much batmobile. At least they could have used it for chasing cars ie firefly and using the winch but the tank fighting got so boring imo.

