MovieChat Forums > Jane the Virgin (2014) Discussion > Why do all the guys love Jane?

Why do all the guys love Jane?

She has average intelligence and average looks. She is self centered and only her problems come first. And she won't miss an opportunity to explode at the smallest difference of opinion. So why are these guys crazy about her?


She's dynamic, charismatic and super confident. And has really great hair! In fact, a bit too great for someone so busy...But hey, this is TV!


Why do all the guys love Elena Gilbert?

She's the protagonist in a love triangle.


Elena Gilbert is prettier than Jane though lol


Elena Gilbert is a nicer person. Although I haven't watched beyond season 1 of Vampire Diaries. Jane however is a major pain in the ass and she tries to be nice to people as long as she can get something from them.


I don't know, they're two different characters, playing out the same trope in two different settings

Jane: A bit 'manic pixie dream girl' like, in a comedy that relies heavily on being campy and trope filled and knows it.

Elena: The troubled past 'Ingenue' who just wants to be normal, in a show that is heavy on the horror-thriller-high school mix.

Keeping in mind these are both different 'characters' more then people. In real life, they'd be both likeable in their own ways, as people often are.

They're both, on reflection, i think rather Mary Sue type characters, to some debatable degree. But, that's what you get when you watch these 'love triangle' shows.

Also, The Vampire Diaries really picks up in season 2, then declines to where i wasn't really diehard interested by around season 5. I've heard there's a big reason to watch till the end of season 6 though.


Since she's a writer, I'd say she's supposed to be smart.

Think Rafael mistakens wanting to have a complete family with wanting Jane.

Michael, probably that innocent act what with her being a virgin and all.


Yeah but she is a TERRIBLE writer Im up to chapter 40 and cannot she has ever written anything anyone thought was any damn good She sucks! She should have stuck with teaching.


Rafael's unending love is difficult to buy. Michael is high energy, Jane is high energy, I can see the history and what they have in common. Gina Rodriguez does have beautiful facial features - nose, mouth, eyes, and she has that very very clean jawline you need to be really photogenic. I don't think she's loaded with romantic charisma, but she doesn't have guys pounding down her door - just two of them.

Rafael is way more laid back than she is and I find him much more natural with Petra. He has a temper, he can be a big baby, but Petra can be worse, so he's more of a grown up with her and that makes him a more appealing character - with Petra.


she has that very very clean jawline you need to be really photogenic.

LOL! And I thought I was the only freak on the planet who tried to pull beauty apart with such a clinical, scientific approach!


Becuase she is most likely the avatar for a female writer with below average looks and below average intelligence, and so she wishes to live out her dysgenic utopian vision through the character. Modern TV is no more than social engineering attempts and virtue signaling.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


Modern TV is no more than social engineering attempts and virtue signaling.

How's that Amish community stint working out??


2 parent households, virtually non-existant HIV rates? How quaint. At least you have ipads and tumbler. Who needs a dad when you have social justice through likes and thumbs up. Future generations will honor you and you will be named alongside the creators of the Magna Carta for your justice warrior work. Top shelf virtue signaling.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


As much as I hate to agree with post-chernobyl Spiderman, I think that Jane's character is catering to a certain part of the female demographic. I do not know if it is intentional, a byproduct of the genre or purely accidental but it seems that Jane is a perfect personification of the idea that men have to adapt to women and not the other way round.

The show is littered with examples of Michael and Raffael bending over backwards to accommodate Jane but I can't think of a single example where she really did anything for them (except going camping with Michael...where she held out almost one entire evening without complaining). She is very egoistical and needy in her realtionships.

Thinking about it, it seems that Petra, despite all her flaws, has done more for Raffael than Jane. Nadine took a bullet for Michael...Jane could not manage to go camping with him.


Exactly. But I don't know how many women would relate to Jane who is such a selfish person. It's kind of idiotic the way she is portrayed. Can't believe the writers are that stupid to not see it.


Can't believe the writers are that stupid to not see it.

Unless it's intentional. The most entertaining TV lead characters are generally the type of people who'd you wouldn't want to be around within a 5 km radius IRL.


I think it depends on who you look at. What I mean is that people are usually focused on certain characters and pay more attention to their actions than to those of others. An example might be helpful. Let's say a woman watches the show and her favorite character is Michael. She might focus more on the qualities of Michael, his love, dedication and the things he does, than on the fact that Jane does not actually deserve any of it.

Or we might all be kinda numbed to this type of asymmetrical relationship. For example, the "guy tries his best to make valentine's day special for his girlfriend and still fails miserably" storyline is very common in romantic comedies but the reverse is rare. How often to you see a woman on TV try to do something special for her boyfriend or husband? And even than many of those scenes have an egoistical vibe. I remember a scene on a TV show where a woman decorated her bedroom with candles and rose petals "for her boyfriend" and it was portrayed as a grand, thoughtful and romantic gesture. And I just kept thinking "Imagine this was played the other way round, if a guy said to his girlfriend 'Honey, I bought beer, chips and the pay-per-view fight...specially for your birthday!'"

And then of course there is the possibility that this is simply an outgrowth of societal expectations and really what women (at least a significant subset) expect. After all, the classical roles are that a man courts and a woman is courted. It is the male role to woe the woman, to sweep her of her feet. A woman has no obligations in this. Her role is just to be there. The traditional expectation would then be that the roles shift to the woman submitting to the man after the courtship. But modern feminism has changed that and left us in a bit of a grey area. I mean, ideally we would really have an equal situation for both people but that is not the case. Women are still very unlikely to approach a man and ask him out, for example. This leaves the question how romance and mutual support should look in a functioning relationship. And a possible result is a situation where the initial courting phase is expected to continue, which would leave the men in the "woe"-ing role. At least that is what I experienced in several of my relationships.


Your deliberations on modern courtship is precisely the reason I think that the whole concept of gender needs to die out.


I would argue that not all the guys love Jane. Just two. I've seen uglier sad saps than Jane Villanueva manage to attract two men.

I think Rafael loves her for two reasons:

First, she's the mother of his child, and there is an extreme bonding that undergoes raising a child together, even if you're not together. Also, he wants his child to have a mother and a father who love each other, something that he himself didn't have.

Second, the show wants us to believe that Jane has a kind of innocence (both mentally and physically) that is missing in Rafael's world. Regardless of the selfish behavior Jane sometimes exhibits, it's nothing compared to his psycho mother, Petra's psycho mother, and Petra's occasional psycho behavior. For Rafael everything has always been about money instead of family or relationships, and Jane is the opposite of that. Opposites often attract.

I think Michael's attraction is more straightforward. He's physically attracted to her, and he can't have sex with her, which for some guys is a kind of challenge. From what I can see they have a lot of fun together. They have similar cheesy senses of humor. Jane was pretty supportive to Michael throughout the beginning of their relationship, even though she's taken a turn for the worse in the latter half of the show.

Men date all kinds of freaks, and put up with much worse all the time. Some men aren't that discerning, and it doesn't take much more than chemistry and sometimes some shared values to draw two people together. I don't see why Rafael and Michael wouldn't like


Because they're pathetic betas?


Because they're pathetic betas?

Anyone who actually believes in this 'beta' nonsense is intellectually pathetic.


Jane is a lovely person, what are you talking about?
