

Social Justice--my ass! You're entitled to think what you want, Dalton, but to say that when the new SJW-approved Spielberg version of West Side Story is out, all copies of the old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story should be burned in a large bonfire is going way too far. It's clear that if you had your way, you'd force them to watch Spielberg's version of the film West Side Story or nothing at all. Dalton--your attitude s**ks, if you want to know the truth.

Reboots/remakes of older classic films, in general, do not come out very well, nor do they do very well in the box office. I don't see the re-boot-remake of the film West Side Story by anybody, including Spielberg, being any good. Natalie Wood did not have dark make-up on, either.

I'll also add this, Dalton: People like YOU are the ones who angered Boston's white working-class ethnic people enough so that they kept on electing politically expedient, opportunistic, patronage-ridden and racist politicians such as the late Boston School Committeewoman/CityCouncilwoman, Louise Day Hicks into office time and time again, thus finally ushering in a disastrous Federal Court-mandated large-scale, cross-city school busing edict with very serious flaws in it, that made many people more angry, fearful and suspicious of each other.

I'm no goody-two-shoes, and the 1961 film version of West Side Story was anything but racist. Unlike you and your pals, I plan on voting my pocketbook and not going to see Spielberg's film version of West Side Story when it comes out at Christmastime of 2020.

Unlike you, I've never been involved in heavy political and social causes, and never hope to be.



So what does that mean--that your whole post was sarcasm? Even if that was the case, it's still not nice to read, and that you went too far.





Whatever THAT means!?!


It's short for "OK."


Thanks for the heads up, TheOtherFella. Didn't know, that's all.


No problem.


There's an even shorter version - "K"




Do you find yourself using abbreviations for the word 'Yes'?




Fair play, you beat me to it, you can use 'Yeah' (not technically an abbreviation in written form) or even 'Ye', but it doesn't get much more concise then "Y".

The only problem is people might mistake it for an abbreviation of "Why".


Frankly, I think that, given the fact that tons of other movies, especially those made during that general period, and before then, had white actors playing people of color, make-up or no make-up, both the emerged new discussion and these new attitudes are extremely hypocritical, and unnecessary, to boot, especially when it's applied to a film such as West Side Story. Why people are making such a thing of it, and why Spielberg decided to do his reboot/remake of the film version of West Side Story is rather mind-boggling--and revolting, to boot.


It's going to be pro illegal immigration propaganda. There might even be brown children in cages.

The music and dancing is so iconic in the original. It's disgraceful that they are re-making it. Will they be using the original music and choreography or will it be some modern Latin hip hop version?


TreeShaman--it's wholeheartedly agreed; Absolutely nothing will beat the original 1961 film version of West Side Story because it is so totally iconic all around. Jerome Robbins was fantastic in his choreographing the dancing for the film West Side Story. I seriously doubt that Justin Peck's choreographing will beat that of the late Jerome Robbins. I, too, think that it's disgraceful that the reboot/remake of the film version of West Side Story is coming, whether people like it or not.

I'm not sure that it'll be pro illegal immigrant, or brown children in cages, but I think that it'll be more of a good guys vs. bad guys reboot/remake; the white European Ethnic American Jets as the bad guys vs. the newly-arrived Puerto Rican Sharks as the good guys, given the parsimonious attitude of Tony Kushner, who's writing the script for the remake/reboot of the film West Side Story.

One of the things that made the original film version of West Side Story so great is the fact that there were no good guys or bad guys in it. Both sides had issues, the competition between the Jets and Sharks was over turf as well as fights relating to race, ethnicity and culture, and both sides also bore responsibility not only for the hatred and violence, but for the loss of lives on both sides.

Having said all of the above, I believe that the best thing to do, if one really doesn't care for the idea of the upcoming reboot/remake of the film West Side Story is to vote one's pocketbook and not go to see the reboot/remake of the film West Side Story when it comes out into the movie theatres at around Christmastime of 2020. That's precisely what I plan on doing, despite some people saying that I'm too closed-minded on this.


These will likely be what the lyrics are like. I made them while I was in the shower. They're probably the most generic rap lyrics ever.

Yo Yo yo, the Jets are racist yo, Donald Trump got em riled up like the KKK, everyday they be murderin' blacks and gays, lockin' children in a cage, black lives matter, but their blood be splattered, white supremacy indoctrinated at the age of three, coverin' up black history.


The upcoming reboot/remake of the original 1961 film version of West Side Story will be very politically and socially correct, to a fault. Tony Kushner, who's writing the script for the upcoming reboot/remake of the film West Side Story, is too parsimonious for my tastes.

Spielberg has done some very good films, but I seriously think that he's getting way above himself on this one. The one thing that Spielberg did, which I felt was uncalled for, was the fact that he essentially said that he was remaking the film West Side Story in order to bash Donald Trump and his planned building of the wall between the US and Mexico.

Now: I don't like Donald Trump either, nor do I think that a wall between Mexico and the US is necessary, but the fact that Spielberg said that got me even more turned off to the idea of a reboot/remake of the original 1961 film version of West Side Story.


I had no idea he said anything like that. That was always going to be the inevitable result. Now, I'm not American myself, so I really don't get why there seems to be so much support and outright enthusiasm for illegal immigration in the USA. In my pretty short lifetime, it seems that the narrative has shifted from "let's give asylum to kids who were born here because they can't control what their parents' did" to "the border should be open, everyone gets asylum, the law shouldn't even be enforced, and immigration enforcement are actually the bad guys."

I remember the line "I know a boat you can get on" from the song "America" in the original. I bet there will be a scene in this remake where ICE goes on a migrant boat and throws some Puerto Rican children into the ocean for the sharks to devour while their handcuffed parents are forced to watch. That's how extreme the culture war in America has gotten.


I'm not really in favor of open borders, or having so many undocumented immigrants coming here to the United States either, but I really think that the United States government has brought a great deal of that on itself, by meddling far too often in other countries' affairs, thus making these countries uninhabitable for a lot of these people. For people who are legal immigrants here in the United States--that's a whole different matter; they need to be protected and kept safe.


You're rather hard to please, Dalton. The very day you posted this, you also posted on the board for The Mountain, complaining about "an almost entirely American cast portraying rural Frenchmen talking English in an American accent," and about Spencer Tracy in particular, wishing instead for "someone slightly younger and much more fit to play this older brother."

Are you arguing in favor of authenticity or against it? Difficult to tell with two so apparently opposing viewpoints.

With such a contradiction on display, the reason for invoking "social justice" in this context is unclear, unless your point is that authenticity in casting should apply only to Aryan characters and performers. It's otherwise a mystery to me.



Except you didn't "overlook" them, did you? They were singled out for explicit mention.

But if it's truly the case rather than a coy way of introducing the very elements claimed to be "overlook[ed]", it only deepens the mystery.

Why the "sarcasm" about "social justice" where it concerns Hispanics playing Hispanics while choosing to "overlook" Anglo actors playing them (or "an almost entirely American cast portraying rural Frenchmen talking English in an American accent"), but earnest objection to an older actor playing a younger, fitter character when ethnicity is not involved? There's the contradiction.

My original question still stands.


And I notice that it remains unanswered, even though Dalton (which I sincerely hope is not a reference to Roadhouse, a movie I love) last posted only 3 days ago as I write this.


Oh, f**k social justice! I'm sick of all this political and social correctness that's been going on lately. It's been taken too damned far.


mplo, you are not alone in your exasperation.


Thanks, liscarkat!


"I'm sick of all this political and social correctness"

There isnt any! , theres just a load of triggered people looking for something to be outraged at , and you jumped on the bandwagon.

Not only is the OP trolling with sarcasm, nearly all other cases are anti SJWs yelling about shit that didnt happen


What are you talking about, mark? The reboot/remake of the film "West Side Story" is coming, whether I or anybody else likes it or not. I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm an SJW baby-boomer woman, who's expressing her opinions freely on the upcoming reboot/remake of the film West Side Story, which I'm not the least bit pleased with. Remakes of older classic films, generally, tend to come out quite dreadful, and, as I've posted before, but it bears repeating here: I've seen a number of the new photos of Spielberg's upcoming reboot/remake of the film West Side Story, I don't like what I've seen, and I plan on voting my pocketbook and boycotting the reboot/remake of the film WSS when it hits the movie theatres at around Christmastime of this year.


I think theres 2 different discussions going on here
1) should the 'older version' of anything being remade be got rid of ?
No , and no one thinks that. The OP pretended to think that but he was joking/trolling

2) I dont think you know what SJW is. "Social Justice warriors" are people who (in a nutshell) go around insisting everything be politicaly correct. This is obviosly not you as you love and want to keep the old verion of West side Story.
Like I said "Social Justice warriors" are like Bigfoot. they dont really exist.
The thing is you will hear a lot of bitching and screaming and whining from a lot of "Anti SJW" patriots
saying thing like:
"You cant do anything these days"
"I say what i want and i dont care if people are insulted"
"This film has a woman in it! - that Polictical correctness gone mad!!"
"This film has a black person in it" goddam hollwood lefty agenda pushing"
you know w hat i mean?
these people are Rabid

..and like i say , the shit they think they are protesting about doesent exist. Nobody is saying you cant have a white man in a lead role cos "PC" , its just when its not a white male in the lead role these anti SJW assholes lose their shit and go apoplectic


Oh, come on, mark! It seems like you're losing your shit and getting rather apoplectic yourself here!


> Oh, f**k social justice!



What's it about? Is it about a rich, Jewish, homosexual man and a poor, Christian, heterosexual woman?

Because that was my idea - and Spielberg stole it!
