A Dissenter Here:

As a devout fan of the original 1961 film version of West Side Story, I saw the new trailer of the upcoming new film version of West Side Story by Steven Spielberg and I do not plan on seeing it when it hits the movie theatres this December, for the following reasons.

Given the intensely brilliant Leonard Bernstein Musical Score, the very story behind West Side Story, the great cinematography by the late Daniel Fapp, and the seamlessly and creatively combined on-location scenes with sound stage scenes, the cast of the 1961 film v version, and the fact that the original 1961 film version of West Side Story won 10 well-deserved and well-earned Academy Awards, including Best Picture, the new film version of West Side Story feels all wrong to me.

The new film version of West Side Story feels totally unnatural, forced, and way too contemporary for my tastes. It seems way overdone, too bombastic, too intense, too out of control, and too heavy for me, plus everything seems to be happening in a non-stop manner. A musical is also supposed to have some lightness to it as well, and the new film version seems to not have that.

The Jets, the Sharks, and their girls in the new film version of West Side Story look far more like wealthy suburban prep school kids who are dressed to the nines for partying around town than two street gangs who are at war with each other, and the dancing seems far too hyped up.

Also, given Ansel Elgort's record of being rather assaultive, especially to underage girls, and the fact that he posted a nude picture of himself in the shower to some cause (which escapes me at the moment) he was involved in, Ansel Elgort sounds like a dangerous, disgusting and gross human being.

There are some people calling for Elgort's replacement, but that's impossible, given that the filming was done almost 2 years ago. Elgort doesn't have that great a voice, nor does he have the looks of an ex-gangster, either.

Having said all of the above, I prefer the original 1961 film version of West Side Story over the new film version.


As someone who dislikes the musical format I'll probably watch this when it streams on Roku for free (with ads of course).


To each their own, BourbonKing. I will not be watching the new film version of West Side Story at all.

I think that Spielberg only wants his version of the film West Side Story to be in the movie theatres, and not streamed, at all.
