Clearly Rape

He resisted their come ons for an hour, insisted they get dressed, tried to stop them from blowing him and only gave in after they were already doing it. Swap the genders in the scenario and it's rape, clear as day. A hot guy going down on a woman until she consents? Would never fly.


I agree, I explained this previously I think some people lack the knowledge of men getting raped by women everyday in the real world.

I'm also convinced that people don't know the real definition of what rape is. It's all about the consent on both parties sides. If one of them says NO repeatedly then it's officially rape when the other party continues to try to seduce them when they didn't have the consent to do so.

So yes Evan was raped twice.


Oh please. In real life rape is committed by men 99.99% of the time.


Not true, PeterDuck. Men are just accused of committing rape 99.99% of the time.

Gender traitor..


The difference being that a man can physically overpower a woman.
A woman has to mentally overpower a man. There is always the rare exception of course.

"I wasn't totally sure what was happening. But I knew I wanted to stab someone."


no you're clearly missing the point concerning rape. It's about consent not physical strength.


I wasn't missing the point, I was making an adjacent one. Some people get irate about the double standard in sexual matters and law. They try to ignore the biological reason that situation has come to exist. If a woman rejects a man's advances he may overpower her. The reverse is rarely true. Thus regardless of the definition of rape the law and customs must reflect the differences in reality.

"I wasn't totally sure what was happening. But I knew I wanted to stab someone."


still invalid point


That was almost a complete sentence. Keep practicing.

"I wasn't totally sure what was happening. But I knew I wanted to stab someone."


untrue, men and women are equal. Also it's not about fighting back, as that just makes things worse...the number one recommendation by law enforcement in a rape situation is to let it happen, else the victim may face even more damage. your point as he other poster said is invalid


men and women are equal

Yes indeed, in a physical confrontation males have no biological advantage at all. How could I have been so blind?

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


Men and women are equal in worth but not in physical abillities ... (mostly)

sorry for bad spelling and grammars, english isn't my language


that's because women tend to target younger victims they can overpower. like teens/children

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Good point. I had not considered that.

"Are you seeing this?"
"It's just a flying saucer, Ed. We gotta go."


yes, Peterduck is some PC, biased wannabee part of the feminist brigade. Totally ignoring the issue of male rape because of some fabricated statistic hr pulled out of his ass, thinking that it makes him appear evolved and modern. Looks like the sort of guy who wouldn't complain if two woman jumped him anyway, I mean just look at him. What a wimp.


Okay, I see you have nothing but ad homs...

Argue the argument, NOT the arguer, idiot.

I don't wonder what you look like because it is irrelevant to the argument; but I bet you are very insecure and have a very small penis - I think most guys who are anti-feminists are like that.

Grow a brain, or a dick...or don't.

- - - - -
God is like pokemon - made up.


Gender traitor? Please, what a useless ad hom. Would you say the same thing if you didn't see my profile pic?

- - - - -
God is like pokemon - made up.


99.99% of the world thinks Peter Duck is a troll. I pulled that statistic out of your ass because you know better than everyone else. Happy now?


Apparently, I do know better than everyone else.
But no, I am not happy about the fact that the rest of you are quite retarded.

- - - - -
God is like pokemon - made up.


In English (British) Law, it clearly states that the act of rapes involves a penis. Therefore, a woman cannot commit rape.

"1-(1) A person (A) commits an offence if—
(a) he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis"


Shhh... you're disturbing his echochamber. It's 99.99%, where did that number it come form, nobody knows, but it is the TRUTH! And if you question it, it's nitpicking.


Most rape clarifies the need for some kind of entry or intrusion of another's body without consent.

In Australian law it doesn't need to be with a penis - so a woman can rape a man anally, orally or possibly in the ear, nose or eye of the penis if she was being inventive - but there is no provision for forcibly inserting a man's penis somewhere under 'rape' or the penetrative sexually offence.

Of course this doesn't mean the girls in this film couldn't be charged with other assault types, including sexual.


^^^^^^Stupidest comment on the internet^^^^^^^


Made by you.
I know.

- - - - -
God is like pokemon - made up.


Only because "rape" is defined as "oral, anal or vaginal penetration with an object or body part"

Thus if a man is sleeping and has an erection and a woman uses him to have vaginal sex, she hasn't raped him.

If you place any credence on the CDC figures regarding rape, the act of "made to penetrate" which is men being forced or coerced into sex with women occurs at practically the same rate as "rape"


The ugly part of all of this is showing that when men are raped they really want it and are turned on by having sex forced on them.

Evan clearly does not want to have sex with them, he wants them to leave and repeatedly says no.

Except the director thinks it is ok to show no means yes so justifying the rape.


ehhhhhhh i mean... i'd agree and say it was most definitely rape had he maybe let them go down on him for 30 seconds while still saying no and seeming uncomfortable. but once they were doing it, he stopped saying no, was moaning in pleasure and then ended up effing them in the shower-----and the bed. now how is that rape? it was rape until he obviously started enjoying it and caved. but did he deserve what they did to him? eff no. they manipulated him, seduced him and then punished him for all THEIR insane and cruel actions. it sucks once a man is being blown by two hot girls he caves. and thaats prob the majority of men--- but not all men. im sure there are men who could have two hot girls going down on him when hes saying no and then STILL say no even if it feels good or maybe it wouldnt even feel good because hes not like that and loves his wife and family enough and has morals annd isnt turned on by cheating or two slutty girls seducing him.

but no he was not raped twice. he totally consented about 3 secs into the blow job. if you dont agree, watch it again.


If a woman says no over and over but eventually stops resisting a little while after the rapist starts then she wanted it and it wasn't rape any more? It doesn't stop becoming rape because he ended up enjoying the sex. You know that women can orgasm from rape right? Does that mean they weren't raped because they got some pleasure from sex that hey didn't consent to?


he didnt cave because he was being physically abused and was tired out from fighting them off.

if you watch the scene, he is mildly saying no and allows them to go down on him (he was strong enough to throw them off)

he starts moaning, and they end up in the shower

had they been abusing him, hitting him, keeping him down and he was having to scream no over and over, and fight them off but they still somehow had sex----RAPE

in this case, he was grossly pursued, tempted and manipulated, but when they starting performing sexual acts on him, he did not physically fight them off. and he was perfectly capable to.

Is a woman was in this exact situation, a guy starts going down on her even tho she had been asking him to leave, but like two seconds in she is enjoying it (because later in the film he admits "It was free pizza what was I supposed to do!" he was caving because he was attracted. If a woman was attracted also, and just say the guy going down on her is using no physical force and she is able to punch or kick him off but doesnt.......she lets him keep going and then has shower sex. That is not rape.

He was raped the second time. Chained to a bed. Regretting his OWN decision of allowing what happened in the bathroom. Screaming for mercy and she had sex with him anyways, that is rape.

The first time, it did become consensual even if he didnt say outloud "I am ok with this now" he said he was ok with it non verbally by allowing it to continue when he is stronger physically and could have literally pushed both of them off and tried to fight them off and kick them out.


No means No. You don't have to be overpowered and held down for it to be rape. Whether you find the rapist attractive or not is irrelevant and whether you end up enjoying the sex is irrelevant. You say "No" and they actively have sex with you then they do not have your consent. You can't blame the victim for their reaction and say that someone should have fought harder or it's their fault.


Exactly he did everything correctly and they still acted like he didnt say no. He said no numerous times but they basically forced him. Stupid psycho girl *beep*

On the second one it was full on rape as he was tied up.


I don't think anyone is arguing that he wasn't raped, right? The problem is, as far as we know in the film, he could have potentially stopped it. He did the second time successfully. The girls are supposed to be repulsive in their behavior. The majority of men would not stop this when it gets that far. That's the problem.

The fantasy becomes real. And it's not a dream.


People are saying that since he eventually gave in and went with it, that it's not rape.



There have been instances where female rape victims have orgasmed whilst being raped. Does that mean it isn't still rape?. No, because he still did not give consent right until the moment they performed the sexual act on him. Makes no difference just because gender roles are reversed or that he followed through once they had started. It's still rape.


On a slightly separate note. It was funny watching him move every time he became between them.

But yes, its clearly rape. And most definitely the second time on the bed.


Yes, but according to feminist, only women can get rape, and women can't get condemned for being rapist or even pedophile rapist themselves.


Why are you a misogynist?

"We're gonna need a bigger boat..."


So if they really believe that, that means that feminists do not base their ideas on logical and reasonable understanding of good and evil, right?


His punishment matched the level of going into it. No no no no, wow, ok it's on gets you to fear for your life and everything's so messed up, but you're left as a victim for others to see. Yes it's on immediatly would be eligble for death


What a lovely judgmental nation we reside in.


men can be forced to do things by women.
