MovieChat Forums > Knock Knock (2015) Discussion > Real World Logic: Possible Outcomes

Real World Logic: Possible Outcomes

Hello everyone

First I would like to say that I haven't exactly seen the movie. I saw in Best Buy today, looked as the description, and figured I'd look it up on good ol Wikipedia for the synopsis. Thankfully it did, and I have to say this movie sucked.

Films like this always have those small shades of both feminist and misogynist implications. The feminist implications regard how some "trolls" are going to argue that it was the guy's fault for giving in to their seduction. The misogynist ones regard messages that any woman with intelligence is bound to be evil, or "all intelligent women are evil" or "the only way to demonstrate empowerment is by ruining people's lives". It is very misrepresentational.

Second thing is when I see movies like this, I do a thing where I try to apply some real world logic to make sure any implications from the ending isn't as sucky as they are delivered. To do this, I ask fellow board members that have the smarts to answer.

So I ask everyone, what do you think happens to Evan afterwards? Would he be able to explain what happened? Will he be able to prove it? Will his wife most likely leave him, and will Evan be able to go to the police?

If anyone has answers please reply?


Okay, with the way the movie ended his wife would have eventually found him in the backyard buried. She wouldn't pick up the phone first, she'd ask what the hell happened and dig him out. Then he'd have to explain everything that happened and show her the video. As far as the police thing, he could get the girls since they took the dog with them and the dog has the pet tracker. I doubt him and his wife's relationship would be able to survive though.



Lose the Game!!!!!!!


WHY? Do you really think she would leave him, knowing it wasn't his fault (not completely at least)?


well if he would've kept his dick in his pants maybe the outcome would've been different.


You have to remember, the girls posted a video on his Facebook and all their friends saw it. Not only would the wife be humiliated, but every time she went to be with her husband, she would just imagine all the stuff he did with those two girls.


let's not forget, it was a video of him getting raped.


But after he clicked that "like" button, it might somehow come across to his Facebook mates and people that HE HIMSELF did all of it, and they may all think, for a period at least, that he was the actual perpetrator of all of this. At least for a small period of time.

Will he be able to explain himself to the society and people around him?

What if the two ladies somehow DON'T get tracked down and just get away with it?

That's why, as irrelevant as it may be on first site, I couldn't help but feel that if it doesn't immediately get it all sorted out in his favor, he may face the same fate as Mads Mikkelsen's character Lucas did in Thomas Vinterberg's "The Hunt" (2012).


totally defies logic. if he boned her, he would not post the pic. if someone posts a vid of him getting raped, they would as well be able to use the like button in his name.

but you might be right about the aftermath though. i guess it depends on how smart his friends are.

"Will he be able to explain himself to the society and people around him? "

well, once the girl get sentenced, he would not have a problem. maybe even get some compensation out of it.

"What if the two ladies somehow DON'T get tracked down and just get away with it? "

impossible. the amount of evidence is enormous, plus they claim to have done this before, which btw is also completely illogical.

"That's why, as irrelevant as it may be on first site, I couldn't help but feel that if it doesn't immediately get it all sorted out in his favor, he may face the same fate as Mads Mikkelsen's character Lucas did in Thomas Vinterberg's "The Hunt" (2012)."

no spoilers, please. i haven't seen the hunt. anyway, please keep in mind, they find him buried in the yard, with the house trashed, the gun missing and a video of him getting raped online.


how do u know the dog had a pet tracker?


The deleted scene on the DvD reveals that he is able to track the girls down via the dog tracker.


nothing will happen to evan. all the evidence are in his favor.

the girls will be caught, connected to their previous hijinx and either get locked away in an asylum for the rest of their life or get the death penalty.


Maybe they could sent them to war or something so they can go and kill bad guys, no?


those two lightweights? naaah.

if the film would be somewhat near reality, evan would just caved their heads in with a single punch. maybe even both at once. xD


But if they're so lightweight, how did they get all that strength to not only tie up and overpower a grown physically fit man but also rape him, torture him and nearly kill him on occasion, all without any help from other men (like the chicks in Roth's "Hostel") or anything of that sort?

Then again remember "Hard Candy" (2005)? In that film, a 14 year old girl overpowered a man and subjected him to torture and threats of death and whatnot and succeeded thoroughly in her plans.

So I guess its not always that hard to believe.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


First I would like to say that I haven't exactly seen the movie. I saw in Best Buy today, looked as the description, and figured I'd look it up on good ol Wikipedia for the synopsis. Thankfully it did, and I have to say this movie sucked.

That's one of the stupidest things that I've ever read on these boards. And that's saying something.

All this machine does is swim, and eat, and make little sharks. -- Matt Hooper, JAWS


Why is it so stupid. According to reviewers who actually saw it, watching it would have been a waste of my time. Reading the plot on Wikipedia spared me the offense.


Well you can't say that you thought the movie was stupid, if you didn't see the movie. You think the premise and story description on Wikipedia sound bad, that's all.

"Second thing is when I see movies like this..." Again you didn't see the movie. I did, so I can hate on it all I want. :)


Notice how member Queen Bx77 seems to be siding with the women 


First I would like to say that I haven't exactly seen the movie. I saw in Best Buy today, looked as the description, and figured I'd look it up on good ol Wikipedia for the synopsis. Thankfully it did, and I have to say this movie sucked.

This is the most moronic thing I've read on IMDB all week.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


If this was the real world, a murder investigation would immediately be launched due to the dead body. Evan could ID the two girls, and they left behind a houseful of DNA and fingerprint evidence. Only in cuckoo Hollywood-land could anyone possibly get away with this.


Good grief, no sex in three weeks and she managed to stay married. What?

Sorry but as soon as they messed my kitchen up, they would have been dead on the floor. Totally ridiculous, that he did not just beat the crap out of them and throw them out in the desert.

In real life, the bad guys almost always win. A film maker should have enough sense to kill off the bad guys by the end of the film. He should have found a way to kill the girls.


see there plans fall apart when they posted the video

Apparnetly they did this a lot. But there whole plans depends on the victim not wanting to go the police or it will reveal an affair. Affari already revealed. Apparently they did this multiple times, so maybe multiple videos

Now granted this might be the first time they killed someone. But then agian they have a GUY to get rid of bodies so maybe not. But she did turn 18 that day. So maybe the passed even it actully was statory rape. So maybe

So the crimes

Framing someone for murder
Disposing of evidne
Breaking and entry
holding someone hosage
Dognapping..the most terrible crime of all
Desturction of propertry
Assault and battery
Missing an uber, thus bring down someone uber passenger rating..the second worst crime


messing with someone for Oakland hoe
