MovieChat Forums > Knock Knock (2015) Discussion > ::SPOILER:: World's largest plot hole: D...

::SPOILER:: World's largest plot hole: Didn't they still...

MURDER the guy who came to pick up his wife's art??

It's like the movie completely forgot about this after it happened; even reading through the comments on this board it's like everyone has forgotten about that character and his fate!!

At the end they taunt the main guy, saying "Did you really think we'd kill you?!" and "It was just a game!" indicating they will keep doing this without any repercussion over and over, but someone actually DID DIE in what was at least an act of manslaughter.

Awful movie overall, sexy as hell but awful.


It's not technically murder since he tripped and fell, which is what they said in the movie too.


Actually, it is murder... at least second degree... maybe plead down to manslaughter; Because of the causal effect. They "caused" the slip and fall to happen.

1) They taunted Louis by destroying the statue,
2) They stole and then played "keep away" with inhaler,
3) This contributed to his disorientation and lead to the slip and fall.
4) Additionally, from a liability stand point, Louis slipped ON the chips they were knocking off of the statue, thereby adding the probability of the slip and fall.

I'm no lawyer, but I've been around them long enough...


The original poster is calling this a plot hole, which it isn't. When the man tripped and fell and hit his head, Evan was yelling at the girls to help and call 911 and he said they killed him. They said they didn't kill him. Later on in the movie when they say to Evan "Do you really think we'd kill you?" the answer is no because in their mind, they have't killed anybody before.

Here's the definition of manslaughter from

"Manslaughter generally means an illegal killing that falls short of murder. The lowest form of manslaughter is involuntary manslaughter. This means that the perpetrator did not intend to kill anyone, but still killed the victim through behavior that was either criminally negligent or reckless."

=not murder


yet how would they explain to a judge why they "mummified" the body and just put it into the back of the van and didn't bother calling for help?

Sure sign of psychopathic behavior = jail time


As a Criminal Justice Major, Dave you are 100% correct on the list of them being charged with murder among other crimes.

"I'd rather get a prostate exam from a leper who walks in with nine fingers." -Raj


The girls sent a text to Louis from Evan's phone threatening murder. They also made a comment about how some guy named "Rob" would dispose of the body. So Louis disappears and there is incriminating evidence pointing to Evan.


That's extremely loose. The girls just made up a story that won't hold once the police interviews everyone involved

Did Evan bury himself up to his neck as well after he wrecked his house?


Not a plot hole at all. I suggest you rematch the movie and you might actually understand how they disposed of him and how they said he killed himself by tripping and falling.

98% of user suggest plot holes are not really plot holes.


The girls hid that up by placing a message history on the two's phones making it look like the guy they killed was having an affair with Evan's wife and therefore Evan killed him; a pretty weak alibi considering that the police only need to question a few people who know the two to realize it's a lie.


the fact that they havea GUY who knows how to get rid of the body makes me think they killed before.

Dont know if that was the movie attention but that what Jumped out. They didnt seem to mind him being dead either.
