Keanu Reeves' acting

I never knew what people meant when they said that Keanu doesn't know how to act, until I saw this movie. I don't know what made this movie worse, the laughable plot line or the horrible acting by Keanu and the blonde girl. I was really disappointed.



"No man yet found drinks his tea blacker"




What about the dude playing Louis acting? His acting was by far the worse and most comedic performance in the movie. He goes in the house and find Keanu tied up and instead of untying him and calling the dang cops, he tells him that he's going to go handle those girls or something to that affect.

That monologue Keanu delivered while tied to the chair was dope though. I was actually convinced he had gone off the rails, he was a mad man. That mess was funny as heck. It was brilliant! The rest of it was just cringeworthy. Honestly, I was entertained by the movie, the best laugh I've had in years. I don't know if the humor was intentional or if the acting was just that bad, but that scene when Louis suddenly turns into a ghetto black man, was too funny. I had to stop the movie for a while because I couldn't stop laughing.


I'm from Oakland, ho! Yea that certainly came out of nowhere. But I gotta admit, I found that funny. :D

Yea, that scene was dumb. Evan is like "Close the door" and would he have done that, Evan would be free and the both of them would probably be able to overpower the two girls. But no, Louis has to run out straight away, leaving Evan tied to the chair(!!!) just because the girls are destroying the stupid statues. At that point Louis kind of sealed his fate due to sheer stupidity!


It has to do with directing more than Keanu, especially with you mentioning that you never clued in before that he was bad. I like Reeves too, but he's horrid in this.

Roth doesn't know how to direct actors, and that's evident in every one of his films. Keanu is far and away the biggest actor he's worked with (while directing). You would think some of Tarantino would have rubbed off on him...


true directing is a factor as is the writing.
plus he is playing a part of a ordinary guy who is totally unprepared
for what happens.

I liked the movie, it was different.
It was unrealistic , but 99% of movies are.
Keanu made the movie better for me as I like him as a actor.

I thought it would be unlikable, but then i liked it.


if you expected an oscar award winning performance from Keanu watching this movie, you're completely delusional. Blame the *beep* premise of the movie and the director who pretty much didn't give much of a plot to begin with.


John Wick was so good and I think this was maybe a favor for the director or something. Super crappy movie and it never came together. I blame the writing, direction and oh it was just bad!!!!!!


I agree! I blame the writing too!


The problem is he produced the movie ... it was his project .


I didn't expect an Oscar-worthy performance, obviously, but in the trailer the movie didn't look that bad and I was curious. It was just a mess.


Keanu had one strong scene in this odd, stupidly scripted movie. It was the part where he was tied up in the chair and he went off about loving his family, not wanting to betray them and the girls wrongfully forcing themselves onto him. That was the best part of the whole thing cause he had some emotion going on and you just felt the drama of that moment.


It's pretty clear this film was some fanboys wet dream that he wanted to make a reality.

Riddle wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a taco.


Seen the movie expecting usual action movie like John Wick. Waiting and waiting for him to spring into action or some gang associated with girls to show up....... but sadly he ended up buried upto the neck. Wet dream ? far from it.



Always look for the positive in every situation.


You single out the blonde girl but don't note the brunette's acting? The blonde was infinitely better: she has natural ability and screen presence. The brunette acting was horrible and amateurish. To be fair, they both had nothing to work with.


I don't think Lorenza Izzo (the brunette) did a better job, but I found Ana de Armas (the blonde one) to be specially annoying, maybe it was her accent, I found to be forced. Anyway, I agree, they are both terrible actresses.


I think Keanu does better when a movie doesn't call for much dialog or emotion. On a side note his acting was soooooooo bad in this I found myself laughing when the situation was supposed to be high intensity. I almost fell out of my seat when he was yelling about them killing them but what took the cake was when they put the phone in front of his face to show him "the video" his reaction was so funny ROFLMAO.


I know right? It was just ridiculous and cringe-worthy.


Keanu knows how to act. It was about the writing and who directed the movie. Eli.


He does NOT know how to act. He has worked for good directors and still delivered abysmal performances.
