Hard Candy

Knock Knock is very similar to Hard Candy. A lot of 'borrowed' storyline there


its very similar to the strangers also


And (both versions of) Michael Haneke's Funny Games, and Fatal Attraction.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


"Michael Haneke's Funny Games"

i just wanted to state that as a sarcastic remark. xD

none of those films are even remotely comparable.

person(s) attacked in their own home is all they have in common. with that logic all action movies borrowed from each other.


It is very similar in premise to HARD CANDY, I was thinking that the entire way through. The difference being in HARD CANDY the man being tortured is justifiably a monster & clearly the villain (even if at times the audience is led to question the scenario), whereas I feel KNOCK KNOCK fails utterly because the women are so clearly psychotic criminals with the man being the clear victim whom I would imagine almost everyone in the audience would sympathize with.


Totally agree.


But Hard Candy ends with the "villain" being punished and suffering for his crimes. This one ends with the victim being punished and suffering for the crimes of the "villains' who suffer no repercussions whatsoever.




Hard Candy + Funny Games.


I came on the boards just to see if someone made the connection. thank you !!


Hard Candy was a lot better than this crap.
