MovieChat Forums > Knock Knock (2015) Discussion > What if the sexes were reversed?

What if the sexes were reversed?

43 year-old woman seduced by two Abercrombie models. She gives in, then they torture her for 60 minutes...

Btw, for all of you buying the "cheating men" narrative this movie depends on, it's actually much less, and much closer than you'd think. The studies on married couples are pretty consistent, coming in around 20% male cheaters to 15% female.

*71% of married individuals said they would have an affair if they knew they'd never get caught.

31% of all women said they would not tell their partner if they had an STD. This rises to 65% for single women. (These numbers are SELF Reported (likely higher!)).

*For sources, or just one hell of a fascinating video, see "The Truth About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)" on YouTube.

Back to my question. What if???


Maybe then it would be like a modern variety of Funny Games and A Clockwork Orange with male sexuality thrown in but with different patterns of psychological behaviours seen.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


That would be a awesome porno


Had the sexes been reversed it'd be called torture porn and rape. You can't have a guy 'force' himself on a woman. That's rape, but when the tables are turned we say she forced him, but we don't think of it as rape, it's almost okay. It's sorta like when someone not brown does a mass shooting, it's not terrorism, it's a tragedy. We wouldn't have enjoyed the male characters, they just would have been creepy rapist and not playful beautiful women.


What if the sexes were reversed?
Then the movie would be called This is What Happens in Real Life.


That would be interesting.


If the sexes were reversed then Keanu's character would have gotten revenge on them by the end instead of them just getting away with everything.
