Brilliant film

Im actually shocked by how many complete facking morons have rated this film one star. Imdb should be blocking you clueless d1cks


It may not deserve 1 star but in my opinion, it is far from brilliant.

It's that man again!!


I'd rather block you, so that's what's happening.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Probably because the movie seemed to end before it was finished.


Most people are sheep and did not like the fact that for a change villains win in the end. People prefer popcorn movies with talking animals and CGI superheroes I guess.

This movie is the best Eli Roth ever made and the ending was perfect.


This movie is the best Eli Roth ever made

Yeah, and a film would have to be of an amazingly high standard to take that title. This film had pathetically juvenile dialogue, idiotic plotting, woeful acting and almost every single second induced a state of irritation. So I'd say it's consistent with the rest of his output.

'And you can't p*ss on hospitality, I WON'T ALLOW IT!'


Actually, villains winning in the end is absolutely nothing new in cinema, we had it ever since the 1940s or so.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Shut up, Eli. Your movies are bad and you should feel bad.

The first transport is away... hey!


best reference award winner


I concur, this was awesome. What's not to love?

Seems like people weren't expecting an exploitation film. People are silly.



Probably because of the abysmal acting, crappy writing and overall, pretty sh!t film lol.
Which you would realize if you didn't have such appalling taste.

You call people idiots for rating it 1 star?
You are an embarrassment lol.


My theory about why most people here hated the film is because they don't like seeing Reeves in such a role. It's not what transcribes in the film that makes people uncomfortable, but the fact that Reeves is part of such an awkward and shaming role. They cite acting and writing as the reasons why they hated the film, but deep inside, they simply feel betrayed. The plot hit a nerve with anyone who's seen at least 3 Reeves films before in their lives and had created an "impeccable" image of him in their minds. Good for Reeves for having the strength to take such difficult roles.
