typical american film

predictable, stupid, mindless and loud .
i dont know why i bothered to watch it.
it seems like its made for 13 yr kids.
the teenage actors were obnoxious , rude and with lot of attitude.
its typical of american films where these snotty scumbags turn out to be the heroes.
i dont know what message they want to convey through that.

avoid this garbage.
there are lots of good movies with very good acting and storytelling.


This review perfectly summed it up. Typical American themes coupled with an ill-conceived screenplay, even the corny series with scripts on napkins established characters and relationships more effectively with an eighth the budget of this trash. I'm no fan of the source material but it was colourful, upbeat young adult fare with an attempt at setting a moral compass, so I laughed at (rather than with) this desaturated, inane mess where all the characters appear to be douchers. The best outcome from this bomb is that it ended the trend of these one note found footage directors helming franchises with their tonedeaf "reimaginings". This is only for coomers.
