Did it feel American?

Does American Honey feel American to you? Did it resonate in that way?

Feel free to respond whether or not you are American...

In terms of filmmaking, it was very light on plot in a European way, however, it was a road trip movie, which feels American... British director...

I think if felt American, moreso because of the characters and acting than simply the setting... The visuals as well... But it definitly also has a European sensibility in terms of how light on plot the movie is...


Shit lebouf is the most un-American i can think of... so no


Yes, it does feel American. It has that shady, rise-and-fall American business setup.

The formula of this film is similar to Breaking Bad, Wolf of Wall Street, Boogie Nights, etc. It's a British director doing their version of that kind of story. A sketchy person persuading a younger & naive person to do their business, promising them success. There's also a bit of a real relationship between Jake and Star; how does she reconcile this with what she should do? Your brain and your heart go opposite directions in the capitalist game, or something.
