Truly enjoyable

The story is very clever and so far a lot of fun to watch!!!! I am looking forward to more episodes. Thought the cast has a lot of chemistry.


The first episode was dry, I thought. And I'm not really sure what to think of the cast either. I'll stick around, though, and see what kind of trouble these characters get themselves into. It has potential.


I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Also thought the cast was very good. Looking forward to the next episode.


I agree, the two leads have great chemistry. This article in Rolling Stone:

says they worked together on a TV show several years ago, so they were already friends and it was Williams who suggested that Purefoy should play Hap.


The cast is GREAT.

However, I agree with the other commenters -- the writing is a little lacking. It needs a bit more comedy or fully commit to being a drama.

However, it's way to early to judge the show. I think this one needs at least 3-4 episodes to know if it's going to be good.
