Sigh..another monster movie

These don't seem to work very well do they , although I did like skull island, this looks rather flat


The fridge you talkin bout?
The trailer looks beautiful.


So did Transformers movies, great effects, crap movies, what exactly is it about this movie that you find good from seeing the trailer thats not been covered in Gareth Edwards 2014 Movie?


More monsters and more fights! (especially in comparison to the 2014 Godzilla, which i liked too)
Also a more investing human story, with all the Vera Farmiga & Eleven family problems.
Looking forward seeing those two acting together.

Also the visuals in Transformers were terrible close ups most of the time so the comparison is not good.


Well i hope its good , not feeling it at the moment


There is still time, maybe the next trailer will hype you up.
I am optimistic this might end up really good.
Also i welcome every other big movie that is not about Superheroes.


I'm wondering whats up with the pretentious angelic choir that keeps going on throughout the trailer. It just makes the movie look lame.


It’s angelic because it goes with the theme of the Titans been worshipped as gods throughout the ages.


Clair de Lune. yes, it's supposed to be majestic.

but it's also an Easter egg from a Japanese Godzilla movie


Sigh..another human movie


I liked Skull Island too but this looks like The Dark Knight of monster movies.
