ganesh talai

Loved this movie. One thing that seemed odd to me was that little Saroo knew the name of his neighborhood as Ganastalay. Turned out, was really Ganesh Talai. Seems to me, those are really similar. If I were looking for my old home and thought I remembered it was called Ganastalay, the first thing I would do is look up towns within the known radius that had that name or similar - at least starting with "G". Considering he got the first three letters correct and the overall sound was fairly similar, seems like it would have led him in the right direction. Could still have used Google Earth to find it but from a much more narrow field.

Know this is a true story and real Saroo did use Google Earth vs working from memory of "Ganastalay". So just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on that....


I would guess it was more the equivalent of a street than even a town or city. Considering he misremembered its exact name... combined two words into one... it's possible that there would be endless search combinations to explore. Had he asked for the assistance of a university or was able to gather a team of Indians familiar with the region maybe he would've had better results. The average person would just look like he did... but he probably should've asked a P.I. or some other professional for help.
