
I found this movie so chilling & disturbing on so many levels. It's definitely not a 'feel good' type of movie, but I'll be d@mned if it's not an amazingly effective movie for what they were trying to get across - What a sick *beep* Warren Jeffs is!

And I'm just going to say that, despite my initial misgivings, Tony Goldwyn was pretty spectacular in this movie. He nailed the part of the simmering psychopath. Actually, I think the whole movie was pretty well cast and acted.

What do you think?


It was disturbing to say the least. Goldwyn did an excellent job too. There was some sort of a feel good part, somewhat, when he ends in prison, and we all know what happens to child rapist in there. Although, the fact that he is still admired and followed is crazy.

Lifetime did a great job portraying Jeffs.


He was sick and his father helped warped his mind. That's no excuse. He was a rapist. Statutory and the typical rapist. I felt bad for Joey King's character. She's another person who nailed her part.

I also hate his views about Black People and dogs. It was a tough watch, but I'm it didn't end with a mass suicide. I wish more of those sickos went to jail also.

But to quote him somewhat, he had too much freedom and (in jail) he must learn how to be an obedient wife.


I find it very interesting that people like him can think so negatively about black people, yet do what he does using religion knowing it's wrong.

We be the ones that make you beat your wife and hate your life - "Supreme Hustle" Ice Cube


I didn't see all of the movie. What or when in the movie did Warren mention his disgust or disdain towards black people. I don't doubt it, I just don't remember seeing anything about it.


It came up when he's driving into the desert with Lamont, the kid that was kissing Elissa. He mentions his father threw him out. He said he was disgusted by what he saw in the "outside world" - blacks and homosexuals and evil and sin, etc. His tone and just the look of disdain he had when he said it.

Then he kicked lamont out and drove off.



He won't be one of those; 'short eyes' like him are usually segregated from the general population in a prison. That end scene from Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcp5GAvYN3k) might be want people want to see happen to Jeffs, but it won't happen.


What's even more disturbing is that since 10,000 people or more are still following his ways, why doesn't the government do something. I'm sure they don't want another Waco, Texas. But they can at least do raids or find out who the new leader is or something. It's like arresting drug lords and mob bosses, crimes don't just go away because the is dead or in jail. Sometimes things get worse.

Those people aren't Americans anymore since they do not respect the basic laws of the land and mock our laws at that. Technically they're terrorist.

-They use fear to get what they want. And we saw that not everyone was willing and some if not many were forced.
-They hate our way of life and wish it would come to an end.
-They commit cruel acts such as dog killing
-They are openly racist.

It's a shame, because I bet most Mormons are not like that. And Utah doesn't even have the lowest age of consent, but I think it used to though. At least two states have 14 as the age. Which is still sick. Why doesn't the federal government step in and make it 18 across the board like tobacco laws, instead allowing each state to possess it's own loopholes. Who does it benefit. They would rather spent billions on drug seizure for drugs like marijuana which is legal in some states, but they turn their heads on this stuff. And I don't smoke pot, but I think laws for are unjust.

They should take all of the seized pot and make the Mormons smoke it so they can mellow out or something.

Embrace Debate.


Was this in the movie? I think it was in the documentary, but they did raid the compound in Texas, ironically because of a false accusation. But that's how they found the evidence that convicted him. They sent all the kids back because CPS didn't have the facilities to keep them.


They found no instance of 'child abuse' and no reason to keep the 400. So they gave them back. But according to the documentary the compound is getting real run down. How do they get the money to run it? Are they on welfare? I did see scenes where the kids worked in the fields. But that is not abuse, we worked in the gardens, fields growing veggies...
BO is asking congress (HA) for $$$ to send the border kids back whence they came from. We can only hope.



What gets me about this is that the U.S. government will go after, jail, and destroy/break up the cult of a similar man like Warren Jeffs, Dwight Z. (Malachi) York (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_York) but they won't break up this cult once and for all. It needs to be destroyed, and all of the lands of this 'town' seized by asset forfeiture.



That sucks, a lot. Thanks for the info.


It's because they don't know any different. From the day they were all born, this has be ingrained and beaten into their minds. They're not fools. They just don't know any other way of life. The government DID try to do something about it. Remember the YFZ ranch in Texas was raided. It was way too hard on the DHS system to handle that many kids / mothers. Plus there's no true identification for all of them since most are home births and also most women and children were instructed to lie about their ages and also lie about their identities. They have been taught that we are the evil ones and to never trust us. They are the victims


I can understand why this wasn't included in a Lifetime movie, but to show how much more sick & deranged Warren Jeffs is, they could have at least given a nod to the fact that he molested/raped more than a few of his own nephews (and God only knows who else) starting when they were 4-6 years old... Several of whom have since committed suicide because they couldn't live with the hell he put them through as children.

Warren Jeffs is Satan in the flesh.


I hadn't heard that, and it's sickening. Just heartbreaking. All those children. The girls are like Stepford slaves. And the boys just get tossed out to survive without any survival skills. The poor dogs...

Oh for crying out loud, this man is so despicable. But what continues to shock is how many blind worshippers still follow him.

Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.


Unfortunately for his followers, it's all they know. They've been raised, from generations back, that the prophet (in this case, Warren Jeffs) has direct contact with God. When this kind of teaching and brainwashing is all you know from the day you were born, you believe it. He, and the other prophets before him, dangle salvation over the heads of these people. Unless they're allowed to leave, and have the resources to do it, they'll continue to live like this until the day they die.


When this kind of teaching and brainwashing is all you know from the day you were born, you believe it. He, and the other prophets before him, dangle salvation over the heads of these people.

It's that way with just about every major religion. From before a child can even understand, certain ideas are drummed into their heads. And by the time they can understand, it's been drummed into them not to question, just believe.


Did anyone else find the sex scenes disturbing also?! I read in a book (can't remember which specific one... I've read many) that Warren Jeffs actually had sex sessions with women like this. I thought it was demoralizing (to the women), and I was shocked they put that on TV! I know it was to show how much of a sex-crazed psycho Warren was... but wow!


Yes! I can't believe the sex scenes made it onto basic Lifetime...


You and me both! I hope Warren gets gang raped everyday in prison.


He won't; he'll be sent to a different area (not Gen. Pop) where nobody will be able to get to him.

