Devil in plain sight!

I can absolutely understand the reasons this wasn't included in the Lifetime movie, but to show even how much more sick & deranged Warren Jeffs is, they should've given a nod to/hinted at the fact that he molested & raped more than a few of his own nephews (and God only knows who else) for YEARS, starting when they were in children's church at 4-6 years old - Several of whom have since committed suicide because they couldn't live with the hell he put them through as children - would have been so powerful. Watch 'I Escaped a Cult" with one of Warren's nephews Brent Jeffs for more info; it's an honest but emotionally tough 1-hr documentary (on Netflix streaming video, among other places).

Warren Jeffs is absolutely Satan in the flesh here on Earth.


I also watched "I Escaped a Cult" and was horrified. (This was a while back.) I had no idea how truly evil Jeffs was.

She had the saddest look I've seen in years, A kangaroo cry ~ Blue October


Didn't it just rip your heart out, Trace!?? I know there are some sick, twisted, & disgusting people out there in the world, but Warren Jeffs is the true definition of [italics]evil[/italics].


I def agree! How can a real human even have sexual desires toward a child!!! & then to use GOD as his excuse! This movie shook me to the core, as being a woman who survived 8yrs of molestation. I just don't understand what men get out of messing with a child??? Lots of therapy &.true LOVE from GOD saved me. Thank You Heavenly Father!
