Was Warren wearing...

The sacred underwear?


He was a twisted, scary man.


I wondered the same thing; they looked different than normal underwear. They must have been.


I thought so. They weren't regular boxer briefs; they were almost down to the knee.


Yes, the sacred undies. But he appeared to take them off 'now and then'...


They are not "sacred undies". They are called garment by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Show some respect, would you? Just because someone is different from you does not give you the right to make fun of their customs & beliefs.
For the record, I am not of the Morman faith. I just have enough sense not to act like an idiot about it.
Shame on you!!


I didn't call them "sacred undies", Paula. I didn't refer to them as anything at all in particular in my post above. I do know they're called garments, though.


My inflamed comments were not directed at you, scbeauty1983. Someone very near & dear to me is an LDS. I have heard mean as well as uninformed ugly comments about them for years. I was tired of holding my tongue on the matter. Posters should feel free to comment as they see fit. I am certainly no sensor to anyone. Thank you for such a classy reply. You certainly could have taken another approach. By the way, that is not my real name. She was a relative of mine that I greatly admired.


It's okay. We all get frustrated sometimes & things come out wrong. We're all human after all, my friend!

Having Paula as your username after someone who meant so much to you is a wonderful gesture. =)


so mormons and or 7th day adventists wear special underwear ?

why is the underwear to the kneees?


so mormons and or 7th day adventists wear special underwear ?

how did 7th day Adventists get worked in?? I'm 7th Day Adventist and the answer is no... smh

It weakens us to not give our enemies the respect they deserve...


Many people don't know about the garments. That is why they don't show the respect they should. If someone is watching this movie and makes a snide remark, it is probably more about Warren Jeffs.


I remember the subject coming up when Mitt ran for POTUS. He did not answer. It is his business of course, but Lifetime made a point of putting it in the movie.... Hence, it is fair game for comment....


How about me? I'm a Mormon. Can I make fun of the temple garments?

Because frankly, they are ridiculous. And I have been to the temple. I was "washed and anointed", I "took out my endowment", and I was even "sealed" to my wife for time and all eternity. So I think I've earned the right to make fun of them.

And let me tell you, when I look back on all the time I spent at the temple, it was stupid. The garments are basically a system of control put in place by the church. They are not there to protect you, as JW Marriott said on 60 minutes. They are underwear that have Masonic symbols sewn into them (yes, Mormons, the mark of the Compass and the mark of the Square are Masonic symbols).

The reason people make fun of these things is because they are stupid. I only wish I'd figured it out years ago.


If this is too forward or personal, I don't expect you to answer, but I'll ask in the most delicate and tasteful way I can. Are the garments made or altered in such a way that sexual contact is made possible without removing them? Intercourse occurs while wearing the garments?
If you don't want to answer that publically, I understand.

My sister-in-law and her family are Mormon, don't wear the garments and never have, so I'm not sure she would be able to tell me.



Are there times when they can take them off? I would think they have to in order to bathe, right?


Old school mormons don't take them off. Anyone born after say, 1950, is probably not worried about taking them off to bathe, or to have sex. But there was certainly a belief at some point that you should always leave them on.

The strongly worded advice you are given in today's Mormon church is that they should never touch the ground, don't let anyone but Mormons wash them, and never let a "Gentile" see them. Most Mormons stick to this. Your mileage may vary, of course, but this is pretty standard.

Here's a link for more detail: http://mormonthink.com/glossary/garments.htm



Yes, he was.
