their clothes

Why do these women always wear those ugly dresses and long hair?


I'm guessing the previous prophet thought that was what a woman 'should' look like. I think the dresses are to cover up as much as possible so that other men can't look at their women.

It's just my guess though. But these women seem to have little say in what they can do, so I'm sure they have no say how they want to dress or wear their hair.


All I know is they do have to keep their body covered. I don't know why they can't cut their hair.


They wear their hair long because it was said that women are to have long hair to wash the men's feet. The clothing is to not let anyone think or see sin. They wear the sacred undergarments, the long dresses and tied back hair. The men are to keep their hair neat & short, wear suits or slacks / pants and long shirts with the sacred undergarments underneath. They're not allowed to take them off because it's to protect from "outside evils". Only those that honor the rules properly will go to Heaven. There are lots of FLDS books out there that you could read. Look up Elissa Wall - she's the one who helped bring down Warren Jeffs. Another supposed "prophet" of a separate sect was Ervil LeBaron


A minor thing that irritated me about this was that they constantly had Molly Parker wearing the wrong colors! Deep burgundy, navy blue,at one point she was even wearing black and I'm like, no, based on everything I read Warren preferred to have his wives dress in light colors.


I bet they don't shave their legs either lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if they don't shave their legs.

I just finished reading Debbie Palmer's "Keep Sweet," and she wrote that her sect (the Bountiful group) viewed women who shaved their legs as whores. I don't know about the other groups, but the Bountiful group was/is linked to the Colorado City/Hilldale group.


No, they aren't allowed to do anything that could bring shame on them or attract unwanted attention from men. They were the sacred garments (similar to long johns) under their dresses, which are supposed to go to the ankles and wrists with collars. Hair is worn high, secured back in a bun or braid. No fancy dresses or colors.



I said no fancy dresses or colors, which means no fancy colors. I didn't say they weren't allowed to wear color. Believe me, I know tons about this "religion". I've researched it big time and read numerous accounts



But they're right, no fancy colors allowed. Fancy colors may be subjective, but for these people, fancy colors means any red, bright colors, or dark colors. You are 5th generation and then didn't say you disagree with "fancy colors," so I'm guessing they got it right. You just mistakenly thought they said "no colors," in the first place is all.


Good for you.
